Nov 23, 2006 17:19
SCHOOL SUCKS! other than that my day has been ok I guess.
Today when I walked into english class I was so pissed off that I kicked my desk so it tipped and almost fell over and my chair went flying. I'm guessing people were stareing because I swore loudly and stormed out..well actually Melanie had to drag me out seeing as how I wanted td throw it. My teacher asked me why I didn't have my scribbler open and I just responded coldly "Cause I don't feel like it" so she just told me to take a book out and I said "sure, I'll get a fuckin book out" but I don't think she heard me..ither that or she was ignoring me.
I'm also frustrated that I can't go to the much music dance tomorrow which I was looking forward to go to with Mel, but obviously things get crushed so easily, whatever though.
On the other note I hope to start up Parkour again this year seeing I stopped myself at the end of the summer. I have scoliosis so I'm not...screwed I guess, but I'm not gonna let it ruin my life. I'm playing rugby this year and our first practise is tuesday at 7:00 a.m. I look forward to it.
Anyways, no there is no more news.