Well well well, Arnold is now the governor of "Kullyfournya." Of course idiot people would elect him over other competent candidates. Oh well. I was happy to atleast vote though, since it was my first time voting ever. I even got extra credit in my Psych class for it! Score!
Today this Asian guy in a business suit and a nice car was honking at me. When I looked, he flashed his PENIS! haha Joking. He flashed the peace sign, I didn't understand..I was just like, ohh.
So Ladies, I am free this Friday night. We should get together and have an insane amount of sex. Forget the drama, forget the boys. We'll have fun. Also, next Friday you should go with me to see Scattered Fall at the Caffeine Den. Cawl Menow!
JanieJones17: lame o
JanieJones17: nerd alert!
Bag Lady Love77: haha, yeah can it
JanieJones17: janet
Bag Lady Love77: haha.oh no
JanieJones17: oh yes
JanieJones17: damnit
JanieJones17: janet
JanieJones17: i love youu
JanieJones17: j-a-n-e-t i love you SO
JanieJones17: oh brad
Bag Lady Love77: NO MORE :(
JanieJones17: im mad
JanieJones17: for you tooo
Bag Lady Love77: stooooooooooopppppppp
Bag Lady Love77: that's evil
JanieJones17: theres a liiii-iiii-iiigghhtt
JanieJones17: ha thats my favorite one..
JanieJones17: its astounding
JanieJones17: time is FLEETING
JanieJones17: and madness
JanieJones17: takes its....toll
Bag Lady Love77: okay no, I'm not reading this anymore
JanieJones17: haha
JanieJones17: aw cmon
JanieJones17: lets doo the time warp agaaiin!
JanieJones17: its just a jump to the left
JanieJones17: and then a step to the rii-ii-iight
JanieJones17: haha
JanieJones17: ok i'll stop, sheesh
JanieJones17: so whats up
Bag Lady Love77: nothing, I just minimized the IM window so I didnt have to read that horrible crap, and it looks like you are done now which is GOOD!!!! That movie makes me embarrassed to be alive, and that is no exaggeration!!
haha I love your reaction, Shawn.