Paranoidmode : I know I mentioned this before and I'll keep on hassling you with this before you can enjoy these works, if you ever find yourselves in this page.
Seventh Play : Men of Cross
Sounds of thousands steps heard
Instead of locust, they came
Swarm of white and golden
Brought with them shining Cross
The Cross paraded in front
Those clad in silky white followed suit
Whilst the Golden Angels
Murmured prayer as they marched
From the capital of men they embarked
To villages and hamlets
Had yet to know Truth
And shares Equal Love
To those that accept Truth
Shall be baptized in water and oil
Share bread and wine together
Be it brothers and sisters
To those that faced away from Truth
Shall be purified in fire
All sins and falsity forgiven
Taken by Truth’s Knights
Of all Truth love the most…
“Respect hungry youth…Saga”
Born into wealthy family
Nurtured with Love and Equal
Baptized in water
Loyal to Truth without question
A prodigy from birth
Able in swordfight
As well as scholarly aspect
Smooth talker makes him perfect
Yet what people never see
Was the darkness within
What people would never realize
That fiery ambition within
Smirking, he cut down heretics
Laughing, he behead traitors
Smirking, he entraps spies
Laughing, he tortures innocents
Bloodshed and warfare he favored
Sweetly covered in Kingdom’s welfare
He would embark and satisfy his thirst
For his Truth and Love
“what had made him so?”
It is his fault as the others do
No matter how hard he worked for King
No matter how well he proved him to be
He was always be Father’s shadow
Oh so great the Father
That the son would never beat
Even the shadow of the deceased
Eventually, the Son was engulfed into it
And he was drown …