Feb 10, 2005 10:42
i'm suppose to be in my AVID class but there was no more computers available so i asked my teacher if i could come to the LRC. but i have to be back at exactly 11:10 or she'll bitch at me hardcore! lol nobody is even in here ..i could come skipping and no one would tell me crap its awesome! i could be watching porn and no one would prolly notice! haha ..though i wouldn't be doing that in public = P i'm listening to my mp3 cuz its sooo boring. i'm tryin to look up articles for my in class essay for English 1302 rhetoric. sucks tho cuz he gave us 3 topics and i have to get 4 articles for each of the 3 and i have to read them all becuz the day of the essay he's only going to pick one of them than we have to write an argumentative essay =/ . damn theres so many things coming up next week. the ELA test is next week then i have to do my in class essay, turn in my AVID essay, u.s.history test, and i have a biology ap cc test. its going to be so hectic! i need to pull everything off tho cuz im such a lazy ass! i think im also gonna apply for girl state, which is some government conference its in the summer june 7-14th. my counselor told everyone that it would look good on your application so maybe i should try and go. it's suppose to be fun i don't c how being w/ a bunch of girls for a week can be any fun = / but we'll see! well i best get going i need to use the RR and its all ready 10:56...10min to get back to class...and i didn't even accomplish anything right now but updating here = )
its the best day i can remember..always remember the sound of the stereo..the dim of the soft lights..the scent of your hair that u twirled in ur fingers..and the time on the clock when we realized its sooo late and this walk that we shared together..the street was wet and the gate was locked ..so i jumped it and let you in and you stood at your door with your hands on my waist..and u kissed me like you mean't it...and i knew that YOU MEAN'T iT!!!