I'm a dork...part 358749429357849825

May 22, 2005 22:18

[ .001. ] first name: Rebecca
[ .002. ] middle name: Jane
[ .003. ] initials: VQT...weird, I know
[ .004. ] nickname(s): Becky, Beck Beck, Beck-a-bye, Beckles, Rebeaka,...others I'm sure
[ .005. ] gender: female
[ .008. ] hair color: blonde/brown/red
[ .009. ] eye color: blueish
[ .010. ] do you wear glasses or contacts: neither
[ .011. ] do you have braces: nope
[ .012. ] is your hair long or short: medium I suppose
[ .013. ] where were you born: Raleigh, NC
[ .014. ] current location: Burnham...wishing to be anywhere else
[ .015. ] zodiac sign: aries
[ .016. ] how many languages do you know: 1 1/2...I didn't learn much in 4 years of French class
[ .017. ] what laungage do you want to learn: umm more French I suppose..?
[ .018. ] bad habits: trusting the wrong people, biting my fingernails, having a low tolerance for people at times...uhm probably more
[ .019. ] piercing you have: 3
[ .020. ] piercing you want: don't think I want anymore...tongue would be fun or something, but that whole teacher thing kinda stops that
[ .021. ] tattoos you have: 0
[ .023. ] today: Sunday
[ .024. ] today's date: May 22
[ .025. ] the time: 10:44
[ .026. ] ready for a bunch more questions: sure...

F A V 0 R I T E S

[ .027. ] number: 3
[ .028. ] letter: lame question
[ .028. ] shoes: hmm I heart flip-flops...maybe they're not considered "shoes"..but I don't care
[ .029. ] saying(s): ...too...tired...for...this.......
[ .030. ] TV show: too many to count
[ .031. ] sport: ha Melissa's answer to this was great...I second it, hahaha
[ .032. ] vegetable: not much for veggies
[ .033. ] fruit: strawberries
[ .034. ] movie: SIXTEEN CANDLES!!! ...although I am in love with Garden State as of late
[ .038. ] candy: starburst, skittles, gummy bears...I like WAY too much candy
[ .039. ] gum: spearmint
[ .040. ] scent: the ocean
[ .043. ] color: blue
[ .044. ] season: fall and/or spring
[ .046. ] band: too many to have just one
[ .048. ] song: The Starting Line - Suprise, Suprise...at the moment
[ .051. ] thing in your room: nothing right now, its freaking messy as hell
[ .052. ] place to be: with friends who I adore and miss more than anything
[ .054. ] junk food: see #38
[ .055. ] overall food: my Pap's spaghetti...its amazing
[ .070. ] computer game: forget life. play snood!
[ .071. ] car: one that runs I suppose, I'm not big on any type of car
[ .075. ] month: I'll be lame and say March cause thats when my bday is
[ .077. ] scary movie: don't really have one


[ .080. ] eminem: uhm 8 Mile i guess
[ .081. ] dog: aww i want a pet...*tear*
[ .082. ] hott: really lame people in middle/high school that used to spell it that way
[ .083. ] britney spears: talentless
[ .084. ] nsync: haha hilarious memories of my lameness
[ .086. ] orange: uhm orange juice? wtf mate?
[ .091. ] black: like my heart!! ....once again lame
[ .097. ] cucumber: lame
[ .098. ] shark: lame
[ .101. ] leather: lame

T H I S - 0R - T H A T ?

[ .118. ] hot or cold: cold
[ .119. ] winter or summer: summer, winter at times..but mostly summer
[ .120. ] spring or fall: hmm spring
[ .125. ] mtv or vh1: neither anymore
[ .127. ] dawson's creek or gilmore girls: this is a tough one, but I'll go with Dawson's Creek even though it relates to my life way too damn much at times...grr
[ .128. ] football or basketball: probably basketball
[ .129. ] summer olympics or winter olympics: uhm don't care
[ .130. ] skiing or snowboarding: would not be coordinated for either
[ .131. ] rollarblading or skateboarding: I'll say skateboarding cause my bro rocks!
[ .132. ] black or white: lame
[ .133. ] orange or red: lame
[ .134. ] yellow or green: lame
[ .135. ] purple or pink: lame
[ .138. ] inside or outside: outside
[ .139. ] weed or alcohol: NEITHER
[ .140. ] cell phone or pager: cell phone
[ .141. ] pen or pencil: lame
[ .146. ] tattoos or piercings: piercings...although a tattoo would be tempting if I weren't such a wuss

[ .150. ] do you have a ..boyfriend or ..girlfriend: nope
[ .187. ] do you have a crush: hmm I suppose, but of course it's on someone with a girlfriend...figures
[ .188. ] do you love anyone right now: friends and family...no one romantically or whatever though
[ .190. ] how many ppl have u kissed: I'm gonna go with 4...I think, yeah I'm a dork
[ .198. ] do you have a picture of yourself: oh yes, I have pictures blown up into posters and hang them up all over my room!!! ....wtf??
[ .199. ] please post it if you do:
[ .200. ] do you go by looks or personality: well I have to be attracted to him, but its mostly personality
[ .201. ] ever kissed a friend: yeah
[ .202. ] are you still friends: yes
[ .203. ] do you smoke: no
[ .204. ] do you smoke weed: no
[ .205. ] ever trip on acid: no
[ .206. ] how about a little x: hell no
[ .207. ] crack, heroin, anything else: hell no
[ .208. ] beer good or beer bad: beer is extremely bad, bleck
[ .209. ] are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: used to, but they irritate my stomach and whatnot
[ .211. ] prefer beer or liquor: neither
[ .213. ] are you a virgin: nope
[ .214. ] if no, when was the last time you got some: oh man, blah probably 2 months ago..big mistake

W 0 U L D Y 0 U E V E R..

[ .215. ] bungee jump: yes
[ .216. ] sky dive: yes
[ .217. ] swim with dolphins: yes, its my dream...i know I'm a dork, but i freaking heart dolphins
[ .218. ] scuba dive: yes
[ .219. ] go rock climbing: yes
[ .220. ] eat crap for $1,000,000: bleck maybe a little
[ .221. ] turn your back on your friends for personal gain: no
[ .222. ] steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: no
[ .223. ] cross-dress: yeah
[ .224. ] lie to the police: probably not, I'm not a very good liar
[ .225. ] run from the police: no
[ .226. ] lie to your parents: yeah in some cases
[ .227. ] walk up to a stranger and kiss them: i really doubt it, although I have impulsive moments
[ .228. ] be an exotic dancer: doubt it
[ .229. ] walk out of a restaurant without paying: not technically, benefitted from a waitress giving us the wrong check and then bolted...i felt bad about it though
[ .230. ] streak: doubt it

H A V E Y 0 U E V E R

[ .258. ] flashed someone: not technically
[ .259. ] told a person how you felt bout them: yeah
[ .260. ] been to michigan: no
[ .263. ] skateboarded: yeah for about 2 seconds till i about wiped out
[ .264. ] skinny dipped: yeah
[ .265. ] stolen anything: yeah, damn peer pressure thing at the age of 5..haha
[ .267. ] kicked someone's ass: hells yeah, i eff bitches up..
[ .268. ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: yeah
[ .269. ] broke a beer bottle: i don't think so
[ .270. ] gotten into a bar, under-aged: no, but hell even when I do turn 21 I know I'll get carded if I decide to go since I evidently look younger than I am
[ .271. ] kissed someone of the same sex: no
[ .276. ] been to another country: yeah
[ .277. ] talked back to an adult: yeah
[ .280. ] broke a law: yeah
[ .283. ] cried to get out of trouble: probably

0 P I N I 0 N S

[ .287. ] what do you think...about pop music: don't care for it
[ .288. ] about boy bands: this either
[ .289. ] about flag burning: lame
[ .292. ] about people who try to force their opinions on you: annoying as hell
[ .295. ] where do you think you'll be in 10 years: 30, dear goodness...and hopefully not here
[ .296. ] who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: very few of the people I'm friends with now more than likely

W H A T D I D Y 0 U DO

[ .297. ] last birthday: my roommates & a couple other friends hung out at the apartment for my favorite cake and whatnot...that weekend kinda sucked though cause of stuff and things that happened...aheklguah
[ .300. ] christmas: probably spent time with family and stuff..that was too long ago to remember
[ .302. ] new years: hung out at Nic's apartment in Harrisburg with Cara, Ian, Robbie, Nic, and someone else I don't remember his name...it was pretty entertaining I suppose
[ .303. ] halloween: went to a show and then was with that person that I shouldn't have been...blah
[ .304. ] easter: probably did stuff with family or something...and hated what the damn holiday reminded me off


[ .307. ] thing you drank: hawaiian punch
[ .311. ] person you saw: my grandmother
[ .312. ] person you kissed: blah someone I shouldn't have
[ .313. ] person you hugged: probably my mom or gram
[ .314. ] person you talked to: bolt
[ .315. ] song you heard: Hawthorne Heights - Ohio is for Lovers
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