Mar 14, 2007 22:30
so today was a huge tease. there's going to be a snowstorm on friday. sometimes i want to take new england and shove a snow shovel up its sagging indecisive ass. but! for the entirety of the 12 hour UV tease i was pretty happy. school was tolerable and fleetingly amusing. i went to bfs and on a 20 minute run (really it was a 1200 second death plod) and so i got a nice little endorphin kick as i donned the sunglasses and shorts for some ice coffee and library time. i successfully found 8 sources and felt really cool roaming the rows of nonfiction searching for call #313 Capote. this whole senior paper is kind of... um. daunting. i don't really see it as a paper. it's like something to be constructed with blueprints and red tape and like, one really bad fall if you go tumbling off the scaffolding onto the cement hiti sidewalk. that pen will make you bleed 84's and god help me if i get a B on a 15 page tower.
all for now. i'm off to write about maggie mead, the sex fiend turned anthropologist. it really isn't nearly as interesting as it sounds. night all.