
May 22, 2008 16:52

why does everyone think i'm a guy? -_-'

ok, so i'm immature, crass, rude, and have a tendency to curse like a sailor.
but that pretty much describes most every other female i've met too.
it's the guys who have manners... somewhat. [or pretend to...?]

but! i'm perfectly happy letting people think i'm a guy. it helps to further hide my true identity!
ah, like a superhero. like... batman!
really though, it's kind of strange to be called "he" all the time, and yet... i don't bother to correct anyone.
this makes flirting difficult. [:/ err, not that it matters online anyway, since well... same mistake? so... flirting = *avoids*]
no girls on the internets!
huh. maybe there's no guys on the internets either.
[we are all, i suppose, sexually ambiguous... predators on the internet. "i shall flirt with you, supposedly male internet friend. bwahaha!" ... "'re a girl?! nooo! curses! foiled again!"]

stupid, male/female, internet, bored

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