In theory, Valentine's Day is a really nice holiday: you tell the people you love that you do, you give candy to strangers, you enjoy a glorious eighteen-hour sugar high and then it's back to business as usual.
In execution, however, I find it in desperate need of drastic repair. For one, if I have to pick up one more bit of pink and red foil off my floor I'm going to snap. For another, candy on an otherwise empty stomach has really bizarre and unpleasant effects on my body chemistry. I wanted to alternately climb the walls and pass into a coma every other hour. And I suppose there is just something inherently depressing about being alone for it, which is really just a set up to make people feel bad about themselves and buy more candy they don't need and probably can't afford to drown their sorrows. You're really better off just abstaining. Unless you're already with somebody, in which case you shouldn't need an arbitrary holiday to remind someone that you care about them, and when you do so, actions generally speak louder than chalky "BE MINE" hearts.
Dear Obito,
I'm sorry I couldn't make it out to see you this year, but security's really tightened up lately, what with everything being the way it is. I lit a candle for you in my room, though, and I hope you saw it.
I'm sorry for saying bad things about Valentine's Day, I know you loved it. I still wish I'd held on to the ones you gave me, but...well, you know how it was. How it is? I suppose you'd know better than me. Perspective, and all that.
You're watching out for him, right? Of course you are, you always did. Anyways, I...well, I guess the same as last year, I just want to say that I love you and I miss you and that I'm glad you don't have to go through all of this down here. I've been seeing you a lot when I sleep, and I know it's now really you, but I kind of like to think you're trying to help me out. Thanks for that. It makes me sad I can't sleep more, but, you know.
Things are busy.
Obito, I am so tired.