I've begun a massive cleaning overhaul at the clinic. In addition to a completely ineffectual filing system that creates far more organization difficulties than it solves, the building itself seems to have acquired an air of...uncleanliness when I wasn't paying attention. There's dirt stuck in between tile, dust behind cabinets, blankets are worn too thin to be useful or somehow acquired rather suspicious looking stains that send the completely wrong message to patients.
I've been going at it for the past several days, and while there's still much more to do, I feel hugely satisfied by the results so far. My hands are actually becoming rather sore from the constant exposure to bleach and steel wool, but it's definitely worth it. I feel cleaner.
All this scrubbing is making me think that once I've basically finished with the clinic, I'll start in on my apartment. I know I can't do anything about the leaks in the ceiling, but I might be able to call in a favor. At any rate, I can wash off the dust and maybe block off a few of
the more significant holes. I've never felt so out of control since before I left Ceno. I couldn't sleep without aching skin then, either. The skin on my hands is starting to crack and bleed while I'm asleep.