...When did I--Oh.
Hiroki, I think I should return this to you. Maybe we could meet somewhere?
So many people to play with...and it seems like the darker alleys would be good to play with, too. I should look into the nightlife here soon, as well.
And then find this Lippi. Matthew's fun to play with, but he's not supposed to be broken. ...I swear, he's like a babe in the woods. That one...he sorta reminds me of Ossan except. Younger. I guess there's no harm in using his place to sleep in for now.
Although it's funny that he thinks he can scold me. I wasn't even playing that hard with Raven...crying, was he? Hmmmmmm~ It's always best to face one's fears...and if he's living with Kevin, it will be extra fun.
So much to do...It should be alright to stay here for a while.
First things first--a nap, and then find that other delightful kitten...Natsuo, I think it was. And then pay a visit to Blood.