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Fore those very few of you wondering if I'm even alive inbetween my rare bouts of random posts here, I somewhat am. Just not here. Pretty active elsewhere.
For art, cosplay and random related news, hop over to
For mood gauge via music&video playlisting as well as some sponaneus outbursts,
Twitter has me at least once a week.
For a little of all of the above plus some (german only) real blogging, try
My Livejournal will probably stay very seldomly updated, I'm not someone for regular blogging. I mostly just use the account to friend and comment on others. *NOT a coherent person*
So, keep me friended at your own risk, or something XD
(Great, now that I wrote this post, I feel the urge to post a little more....LOL)
Will post the rest of the promised drawings soon-ish (meaning some time this year).