Title: Acts of Mercy
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: Various; R/mature for this chapter.
Spoilers: Direct for S1 and S2, but everything including some book canon.
Summary: AU telling of 'Captain Jack Harkness' - what if Ianto had been taken to 1941 with Tosh, leaving Jack behind to wait and wonder?
Author's Note: Thanks to
exfatalist, as usual, for being
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Comments 35
And, yeah. I really like the coat. >:3
Okay, the Master. :P
And, you know, now I want some cake. Some Tetris cake.
We could have cake. (I have Welsh cakes.)
But now, you're going to kill Ianto, aren't you :(
Wow, that was fast. ^_^;
That was actually not what she was mad at me about! She was mad at me over the second scene in the chapter . . .
(The comment has been removed)
Yeah, we called this one 'the chapter with the porn' - what made exfatalist mad was that she knew it wasn't Jack, but I managed to make her forget and she was angry when she realized. :3
Thank you for reading!
Thank you!
I can't promise anything one way or another, but ... I do like happy endings, it's just a bumpy road getting to them. :)
Oh, but by the time Jack is properly on to him, will it be too late? ;)
Tosh is a genius. There should be more, soon!
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