I aten't dead.

Apr 15, 2009 10:42

Hello all. 
It's been a while, possibly because I'm the world's worst bloggist, but I can assure you that I am in fact still alive.  I'll ramble on about the rainforest another time (with photos!) as I{ll have to abandon the computer in a moment, but you can rest assured I{m still here.

'Here', at the moment, is the town of Baños, on the edge of the Andes, where I'm currently relishing finally being in a place with hot showers, and occasionally doing death-defying things like white-water rafting and trying to cross the road.  However, I{m enjoying the hot showers (and hot springs, for which Baños is justly famous) too much to actually defy death in earnest right now, as I{m sure you{ll mostly be relieved to hear.
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