a valediction: forbidden mourning...

Feb 06, 2006 21:16

umm...Englihs is greiving my unmetaphysical soul right now...I think i'm getting sick(ocugh! cough) ew...not again...as cherry would say, "whateve'" oh my goodness! i have been blessed with such supercalifradgilisticexpelidotiously super cool friends! i'm confused...on that personality test thingy for religion, i tied as "melancholy perfect" and "phlegmatic peaceful" so, does that mean i'm a melancholic (like hamlet) phlegmatic, perfect, peaceful person? (that's a whole lot of "p's" in that sentance)? odd...it was pretty fun trying to find the words that best described me...
lately it has been sinking in that this year is my senior year, and that it is flyign by. I can't believe basketball ends on Thrusday! i have to prepare myself emotionally, physically, and spiritualy for softball season...everything is going so quickly! I get up, go to school, do my extracurriculars, adn get so caught up in everythign i don't reaalize that it's february already, adn we graduate in june! Where did the time go? I feel lke a ninth grader sometimes...and then other days I feel like I should be out of highschool...such an interesting, fascinating, leraning time of life! Life "flies by when you're having fun, eh?" well...back to the english...compasses...i miss mrs. robertson!
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