i found a typo in my physiology book!

Apr 03, 2006 20:48

ok...so you know you're a geek when you are excited about finding typos in your text book...my physio book says: "To 1 in 500000 peope with a condition..." i just caught it now! I should be studying...but instead I'm finding typos in text books! what a wonderful use of time! haha..no! So yeah...i haven't been here in awhile...so busy I guess...passion play and chapel team and softball and school and choir and...i'm going to stop now so i don't get the "you're so busy" speech...hmm...can you believe graduation is in like...2 months? yikes! the fact that i have to pick which college i want/will attend is starting to hit me...well, yeah...i guess every senior feels like that though, "oh my gosh! highschool is almost over...now what?" I'll survive! So, as I continue this procrastination...I have some really random funny friends, one in particular, that I'm going to miss a lot next year! That's a bummer, having to leave your underclassmen friends behind...softball game rained out-again. Tomorrow's will probably be rained out too...i absolutley am anti-daylight savings time...i feel like it's 7 or something, but it's almost nine! oh well, a survey! yes!

-T H I S . I S . M E-

[my name is]: Ariella Christine Louise
[in the morning I am]: wanting to stay asleep.
[all I need is]: to trust God with my heart, soul, and mind
[love is]: patient, kind, not conceited, not rude(1 Cor 13).
[I'm afraid of]: falling asleep behind the wheel of my car.
[I dream about]: umm...i don't dream much, when i do, it's really random stuff.

-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-

[coke or pepsi]: coke
[flowers or candy]: Flowers.
[tall or short]: Tall

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X- <<

[what do you notice first?]: attitude
[dream boy/girlfriend]: someone whose first priority is their relationship with God, someone who respects me, and someone
who is easy to talk to.
[do you believe in love at first sight?]: i'm going to say...no

-W H O-

[makes you laugh the most?]: Cherry!
[makes you smile]: Cherry, Emma and her mommy, kristil, m. hayes, chudson, yano, sprouse, michelle...shall i go on?.
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: Heidi...certain teachers...by funny feeling? bad or just weird? strange question
[has a crush on you?]: uhh...i have no idea!
[easiest to talk to]: human...yano...but God is extremley easy to talk to...and you don't get in troulbe for asking Him for help
on a test!

-D O. Y O U .E V E R-

[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]: No...
[save aol/aim conversations]: yeah, i have...back in the carefree days of jr. high.
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: no.
[lie?]: hmm..if i say no, i just did...yes, it's not a good or commendable thing

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N -

[you talked to on the phone]: kristina
[hugged]: i don't know...
[you instant messaged]: michelle?
[you laughed with]: cherry

-D O .Y O U-

[color your hair]: nope
[ever get off the darn computer]: yupper doodle!
[habla espanol]: a little...up to spanish 3 level

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-

[smoke cigarettes]: no!
[obsessive]: i would say no, but my physio compadres would say yes...i put my colored pencils in rainbow order...obsessive?
i think not!
[could you live without the computer?]: if i wasn't in school, yes.
[how many people are on your buddylist?]: mmm...40
[what's your favorite food?]: i don't know...(chocolate as of today).
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: oranges and tangerines
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: basketball sunsets!
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: Emotional most definatley
[trust others way too easily?]: maybe...not as much anymore though, i guess i'm afriad to get hurt.

-N U M B E R-

[of times I have had my heart broken? ]: by a guy-never; by family-a couple; by friends-once
[of hearts I have broken?] : i would like to say none, but...
[of boys I have kissed?] : 0-waiting for that wedding day!
[of girls I have kissed?] : ok, sick, none!
[of continents I have lived in?] : 1
[of drugs taken illegally?] : 0
[of tight friends?] : hmm...tight friends my age-2...adults-2...in total-4
[of cd's that i own?] : A lot
[of scars on my body?] : too many, i'm a klutz.
[of things in my past that i regret?] : a couple


I KNOW: that nothing can separate me from the love of God(rom. 8:38-39).
I HAVE: so much that I don't deserve.
I WISH: that life was not so complicated sometimes
I HATE: it when people are disrespectful to authority
I MISS: the relationships i used to have iwth certain people
I FEAR: the future-a little bit
I HEAR: some song on TV
I SEARCH: for the right thing to do
I WONDER: if my dreams will come to fruition
I REGRET: wasting my 16th year
I LOVE: Jesus, my family, my friends
I ACHE: when i think about friendships that fell on the rocks
I CARE: too much about what others think
I ALWAYS: fall asleep in economics.
I AM NOT: a little sister
I DANCE: when my brother and i are goofing around.
I SING: every day of the week right now!
I CRY: when i've had a long day.
I DO NOT ALWAYS: do the right thing.
I WRITE: in class when i'm bored, when i have nothign better to do...when i can't sleep.
I WIN: because GOd is for me! Who can be against me?
I LOSE: when I choose to try and take my way and not GOd's way.
I CONFUSE: myself and my friends sometimes
I LISTEN: to cd's on the bus isntead of being socail and talking to everyone else...and then i fall asleep!
I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND: studying, singing, or sleeping
I AM HAPPY ABOUT: being in teh Passion play!

ok...i really, really need to study now!
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