Oct 15, 2005 00:03
*singing* I am all alone.. there is noone here beside me!!
lmao.. I was thinking "Shrek" for some reason and decided to blog a bit before returning to work on a puzzle my kids and I started yesterday. Maybe if I try really really hard I can finish it before they get home tomorrow.
I am also doing some general organizing and dusting around my room today. It really was nasty cleaning the ceiling fan this morning. My room is extremely dusty! UGHS! The additions of the bathroom and other room to my room have made my room pretty icky in that sense. It is hard to keep up with all the dust and maybe that is why I find myself with "mocos" more often lately. I also just realized that this may be the reason why I have been sick lately and have not been able to get better.
I will be thankful when the rooms are finally completed. Both are pretty much done. Just minor details.
I hate laundry! I REALLY REALLY DO! lol acutally I don't mind doing laundry, after all it does not take that much effort to load the washer/dryer, It's the folding part that I do not like. blah!! oh well part of having a family is doing those tasks which we really dislike (I also hate doing dishes!!) not only for yourself but for your significant other and/or children.
I guess it would be easier if I did have a significant other helping with the tasks, but as I do not I am forced to either do it myself or not do it at all. The kids are really good about taking out recycle bin and trash when I ask them and complain now and then when I ask them to help with dishes. Thier favorite is folding laundry though which they usually do while watching T.V. They help me when they are home but as today is a weekend I am trying to play catch up and finish all stuff that didn't get finished during the week. Which is crazy in a sense because the insanity starts again once everything seems to be set for the new week!! IT IS A NEVERENDING CYCLE!!
Either way, as much as I complain about my kids and such there are moments that make it all worth while. Today as I am getting the kids backpacks ready for the next week I see thier spelling tests with 100% plus bonus words! I see their math papers with 15/15. I see how Vivian can spell marvelous even though I always misspell it. I see Abram's awesome handwriting (especially for a boy!!). I found some "certificates of good behavior" for each of them. (Not Vivian~ ughs this child has already been to the principal's office this year!!) I see Vivian's cerificates for "Outstanding student of the month in P.E." hahah!! she is a tomboy!! I find it really cool that they all have "agendas" which they bring to me each morning so that I can see what they did the day before!!
Aggggghhhh!!! They can be such brats! but it is all worth it to see them do awesome at school and to hear them each say that they are best friends!
ok soo my blog has gone way off topic!
have a great day! i am back to cleaning!!
♥ Viv