Yes! It's extremely beneficial to the emotional and social growth of your puppy. I personally use Puppy Pals Play Group for all of my dog's social needs.
Even if he's an introvert, he still needs positive interaction with his own kind! Binky is at Puppy Pals for four or five hours a day at least three or four times a week, and we often meet with others from her group outside of that time. Believe me when I say it's been very good for my girl. She interacts well with other dogs, is comfortable in social situations, and the training services they provide are wonderful. The only person she wants to bite is Murdock which, for a chihuahua, is extraordinary!
Puppy playdate network?
Oh. What if my puppy's an introvert?
Wow. Well, we all want to bite Murdock sometimes, so I'd say you've got a well-behaved dog there.
Maybe Blackjack does need to get out more. I'll look into it.
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