No Wall Cancer, yet...

Sep 28, 2009 11:31

I'm not fully enjoying flannel weather. I think I might actually have to start pulling them out so I don't freeze in the middle of the night. I also need to get working on finishing my latest quilt so I can have my nice warm blanket for the winter. But I miss the fresh air from having the window open at night. And I am not looking forward to the closing of the cat window. They love the stupid window. I did make a safety stick so that I felt more comfortable keeping the window open 24/7 but the cats sit there ALL the time. Sometimes they fight over it. Sometimes they even sit together. We've come to the theory that Catie spends most of her evenings there. She's always cold to the touch around this time of year. It may be cold, but it is the outside, and you can't take that away. But they are always very angry when they have no window to sit by. Really, it consumes a lot of their free time. Free time being the portions of their day not involved in grooming, eating or sleeping.

In two days we will have been living in our house for 5 years now. It doesn't really feel that long. But it is. The area is fully filled in and doesn't look brand new anymore. The construction workers are long gone. And with the recession the developers seem to have put the high density housing plan for the land behind us on hold. Fine with me. We've also been having fun with getting the mortgage renewed. Despite the fact that we look freakishly alike, more so now with me wearing glasses, and have the same last name they still look at us weird and try to figure out what the connection between the two of us it. Okay, I get it. Living with my sister at 28 is, let's say, different. It is. But these people seem to struggle with this idea. Does it really matter when we qualify for the mortgage. And do you really need to sell me on the three hundred other products your bank has? No, I'm not interested, and I'm not as stupid as these people think. I'm a little frightened that Tracy might have a better grasp on the finer points of banking than the people behind the desk do. It's a strange feeling. But now we get to sign our lives away for another 5 years.

Tracy and I went to our first hockey game of the season. It's always a good game when we win. We also have awesome seats. Being past purchasers means you get to buy the tickets really early. So this season we are right behind the home net. That's right, we get to stare at Khabibulin for 2 periods. It's an interesting perspective to watch the game from. The fights up close are awesome. The only catch is during the pregame skate. They hit the puck really hard and really fast at the section of glass right in front of us. A lot. You can even see the icy marks running down the glass in front of you after the puck slams into it. But they are awesome seats. It makes us feel special.

For those of you who don't know, in July work hired a new cake decorator. She just graduated high school. But has a maturity level around 15. And that would be generous. This girl is driving me nuts. It bothers me that work has all but told me that I am not a cake decorator anymore. I have nothing to do with it, other than to cover for vacation. That is it. So it really bothers me when this new girl peppers me with questions all day long. And most of them are stupid questions. She's even started calling me at home. Several times a day. I have reached the point of frustration where I am refusing to answer the phone. She seems to be getting the message. But sometimes it feels like I am training a really hyper puppy to do things. And she asks me the strangest questions. Like "I keep getting told I'm slow, how did you go faster?" How am I supposed to answer this? I told her practice. I don't think it helped. Then she thinks that I should not do my other work and come help her. It doesn't help when she is afraid of Karen. I think that those two are going to implode one of these days. That should be fun.

This last weekend I started on a new home improvement project. Tracy was very afraid. But when we first moved in we found this cheap curtain rod, which was very functional, but kinda big and bulky. So when we bought new curtains I bought a new curtain rod. We were lazy and just used the old holders for the new rod. But then the other day the rod was sitting weird so I went to fix it and one of the old holders fell down. After inspecting it I realized that the new one would not cover up the old one, and decided to do it the proper way and repaint and fix it. I did make sure to work on the project while the mooch wasn't around because I didn't need his help. He did make sideways comments about the spackle I used. Apparently he thinks it is crap. But that was when Tracy seemed to be offering the product I bought for him to take to someone else's house to fix holes. I so don't think so. But I did get to go to Home Depot and buy more spackle since I had none. I have repaired the holes and have sanded them down. Today is operation cover up the patch. So I am hoping that if I get the painting done today, then all I have to do tomorrow is make a few small holes for the curtain rod holders to go in, and hang up the curtains. There is only a small margin of error. This is one of those projects that is hard to screw up. I think that the biggest issue I will have is crooked curtains. But I have a level, so that shouldn't happen.

bakery fun, cat craziness, life thoughts, house insanity

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