Summertime Adventures

Aug 09, 2012 20:18

Has it ever been a long tiring week! Work has been especially special this week, I've been mixing all week which to begin with is physically tiring and anything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I was the only one smart enough to strategically book days off so I did get a semi long weekend. But the week has devolved into someone calling in sick because I wouldn't give up my precious holiday Monday, meaning I have to work harder because there is nobody to cover her shift and she got an actual long weekend. We've also had days of no supplies, it's an issue when we don't have flour, and now we have three pallets with no space for them to live. Today was my favorite where my manager just didn't schedule anyone. That was impressive.

But I did get my Monday and Tracy and I hit Heritage Days. It's definitely becoming an every couple years sort of event. Don't get me wrong, it's fabulous and wonderful but the problem with going every year is that it is all the same. They still have the same people with the same exhibits in the hot, stuffy tents with the same menus. And it is either disturbingly hot and mosquito-y or severe weather leading to thunderstorms. And did you know that the bus is $3 now? I did have to laugh while waiting for a virgin pina colada that the Aboriginal talent this year was three kids singing Aerosmith. It was more entertaining than the usual traditional dancers... And we wanted to check out Egypt's tent as it was their first time being there but the music volume repelled us. Now I sound like the whiners in the venting column of the newspaper! But all in all it was a good day with good food and fabulous weather (and no weird tan as I became friends with my sunscreen this time!). And only a few mosquitoes!

I also got out to see the Dark Knight Rises with my Dad for his birthday. Now that there is a theatre out in Spruce he likes to go there as it doesn't involve coming into the city and fighting to park his giant truck. Also it's cheap and never full! We only had 4 other people join us in the theatre, it's a good ratio, especially for the summer. I really liked it, I also found it funny how many minor actors I could spot from other shows and movies I've watched. Also, Ned from 17 again was in it and I love that actor! If only he had a bigger part... But he'll be on How I Met Your Mother this season so there's something to look forward to. It feels like the movie selection this summer is a little sad, usually there is a whole bunch of ones I want to see but this year not so much.

I'll admit though, the only thing really getting me through this week is vacation! It starts on my birthday, only one more day to go. Originially I had planned on a relaxing week around the house as I didn't have any ideas when I booked this week way back in January; I was more focused on my weeks for Europe. But then I realized that study time starts this week. And Tracy has been quiet and a little sullen the last few days after having written her exam for her last module so I don't think my week off around the house will be very relaxing so I decided to go to the Maritimes. And I am going to be an adventure girl and go by myself which is liberating and a little scary at the same time. I thought that it was sad that I toured Europe before having travelled east of Moose Jaw (aside from airports), and I wanted to go somewhere that I would feel comfortable travelling by myself. It feels strange making all the decisions and planning exactly what I want to do but I think it will be awesome. I think my mom is a little sad that I didn't invite her but her tolerance for traveling has gone downhill. And on the plus side, I won't have to wake up all night because of her snoring or wait for her to dawdle all morning before we can finally get on with our day! But in the meantime I have some more packing to get done before I go.

movie theatre time!, maritimes adventure girl, adventures in baking

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