Shoes are the enemy??

Jan 30, 2012 16:26

Tracy always feels superior to me when she hears work stories because for the most part she doesn't have to deal with these sorts of people. Yes, the industry I work in has a lot of crazy people. It happens. After awhile it gets really tiring. I try to find the humor in it, really I do. The worst part is when the crazies come back. I'm sure you all remember crazy Karen. She was the one who invited me to her wedding and the insanity that came along with that a few years back. Well, she's back from maternity leave. I forgot how much I hate her. She's been back for less than 2 weeks and has already changed her availability a few times, called in sick, and had a shift where she spent more time following someone around talking at her rather than working (yes, I put in talking AT her because that is what she does). She keeps saying that she's only here to socialize. Really? That's why we're getting jobs now, socializing? I'll admit it's not my top priority. For the most part I interact with my coworkers only because we both chose to work at the same place, but I don't think that they are my friends. But all Karen does is talk. Tells us about her mortgage, her plans to move to South Edmonton in a brand new house, about her kids, her changing pant sizes and more. It's really tiring. We've also learned that apparently she's a bit of a slut. One of our new hires has heard stories about her from his friends and he won't share but has this terrifying look on his face and then he calls her Dirty Karen and laughs hysterically. It comforts me that I'm one of the normal workers.

Update: Things got crazier at work. We had this one girl, Melissa, who has been with Safeway for a good year and a half. Only she keeps flaking out and doesn't show up for a few weeks. But then she comes back and cries, gets the union involved and gets her job back. And then she finally quit for real because she wanted her vacation pay. I guess after not having worked with us for almost 4 months she showed up today begging for her job back. Really, 11 bucks an hour for a few hours a week is worth it? Also, crazy Karen told us all that Melissa's mom died and that is why she was so weird. She in fact did not die. Who spreads rumors about someone's parent dying? So afraid of the idiots I work with. So afraid.

And for the crazy cat story of the week. As Catie has aged (she's almost 10) she's mellowed out a bit. Not much but some. A few days ago I had to go get something from the basement and noticed a flip flop in the hallway. Just one. And it was a cheap one from when we had a girl's pedicure day when Liz was up. It seemed strange. So I grabbed what I came for and noticed that Catie was now sitting a few feet away from the shoe staring at it. I gently kicked it and Catie had a meltdown, she jumped a few feet in the air and slammed into the wall. I kept throwing it at her (hey, I'm an ass, and she needs a way to burn her energy) and managed to chase her up the stairs. She then spent the rest of the weekend looking for it so she could keep it in view. Upon further inspection the shoe is covered in bite marks. Covered. I'm not sure what the shoe did to her but it is now her mortal enemy. She's dealing with the shoe a little bit better now but still seems to think that it is planning some sort of diabolical attack. I guess now I'll have to get a new pair for walking on the concrete in the storage room.

Apparently, I am the proverbial old lady with Isadora. I just recently rolled over to 20,000 km. I travel on average 7000 km a year. My dad laughed at me. It helps that a round trip to work is 5 km. But it makes me feel sad that I don't go anywhere. I feel like I need to take a road trip, but where?

In far more exciting news in a little over 3 months I'm on vacation. This year's fabulous vacation is a 2 week trip to Europe!! My mom and I are going on a bus tour starting in Amsterdam, going through Germany, Venice, Switzerland, Paris and ending in London. I'm really looking forward to it.

The only issue is that now my Mom needs knee surgery. I'm not entirely sure when this issue started but I guess it's been an ongoing issue for awhile. It was sounding like she wasn't really interested in going to Europe with me so I planned on going alone. But now she is coming. She's gotten her MRI and has a meeting with the specialist this week. I'm curious to see how this is all going to work. People keep suggesting that she should move the vacation but that isn't possible anymore and I really don't want to wait for another year.

vacation baby!, bakery fun, cat craziness

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