Such excitement...

Feb 04, 2011 18:57

We are nearing the end. Finally. I'm getting excited for the end to see how it all turns out. But the excitement makes me impatient for it to all be done. But it would be really nice to have the rest of the house back to normal instead of tripping over things everywhere. And then actually use the basement! No more sharing the office desk with Tracy while she's trying to do her work!

But I finally got some pics up here, I have some shots of the framing stage and then the rooms with drywall. The drywall ladies only have to come back once more to finish sanding the walls and then we'll be ready for paint.

Beginnings of an office/theatre room, we have some awesome soundproofing in here for it!

Work in progress in the future family room.

Walls! Walls! Here is Tracy's soon to be home office dungeon...

The family room with walls. Can you tell I'm excited for actual rooms?

In other news, my new mattress is awesome. I don't think I've slept that well in awhile. The cats are a little afraid of it, but maybe that's a good thing. I'm also really, really, really happy that my reign of terror (ha ha) at work is over. They've finally found a new sucker to take over the manager relief. It's really nice as this week I can tell you that none of the issues I've had to deal with in the past have magically figured themselves out. The biggest issue is still one of our new girls. She hasn't yet figured out child care so she calls in "sick" for at least 40% of her shifts. It's really delightful to play the guessing game of it she is going to bother to show up. And it's even better that I'm not the one getting the 5 am phone calls to solve it. I think this could be less awesome next year as the girl who is doing the manager relief is apparently pregnant. Now that's a horrid story in itself. She thought that she would do the responsible thing and inform the management of her condition, just so they are aware. But didn't want to tell any of her coworkers. Well, I've heard from 3 different people, including my manager, that she is pregnant, and she still isn't one of the people who has told me. Which I find surprising because she keeps making comments about how she could see us being friends outside of work and we should really go for coffee. Once again, just because we work together doesn't mean we should be friends. This whole situation makes me think that if I ever have some sort of medical issue to disclose to my managers I'm gonna get a really vague doctor's note. I don't need the entire department knowing my business. Yet I'm afraid to tell her what is going on because it will create an impressive shit storm that I just don't want to be in the middle of.

It also looks like some of my vacation time is going to happen. I managed to pick the right week to book off to go down to the states for the book tour of our favorite author. And Tracy isn't scheduled for anything that week and her vacation was approved. Yeah! It looks like the lucky city this year is San Diego. It's hard to say no to the beach, sunshine and American shopping. Even if just for a few days. Only 3 months to wait for that!!

And there won't be piles of snow and ice down there. My biggest issue of late is the melt. It all melts, but because everyone between me and the storm drain doesn't believe in actually shoveling their sidewalks the water backs up and freezes. So it is half a block of ice. Today while it was all nice and soft I shoveled a path through the slush several houses down in the hope that they can have the ice slicks on their driveways instead of mine. Perhaps it will help them learn to care. It's either that or I have to call and make a complaint on all of their houses. And that is a pain. Hopefully spring is around the corner and this snow will finally disappear!

vacation baby!, basement renovation saga, jen awesomeness, adventures in baking, house insanity

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