Turkey, Shoeboxes and My Booty?

Oct 10, 2010 18:56

Thanksgiving is finally here. I survived my really early morning shift. It was really nice to leave before noon and have the rest of the day to myself. Just not so nice to have to be up that early. It's one thing to stay awake until 2, it's another to get up and be productive.

It's day 3 of Tracy's vacation, which means another semi vacation day for me! We realized yesterday that she neglected to leave us any sort of information on where she is going. I know the area she is going, the airline she flew and when she is coming back. But I don't know what hotel she is staying at. Or the flight number of when she is returning. I understand that she isn't the most on top of things, but how she can be so attuned to the details at work, and forget about leaving an itinerary shocks me. At least I do know the travel agent she used, and know that Robin would give me the info. But it means that I am getting phone calls from my mother in Saskatchewan asking if I have heard from her.

The only sad part about Tracy going is that when it's just me weird things happen in the house. Like strange noises that never happen otherwise, or people ringing the doorbell at odd hours. Things that make me want to take my hammer, my cats and a phone and lock myself in a secret room.

I got sucked into watching Sister Wives on TLC. Unlike Jersey Shore (which I refuse to watch, apparently I have standards?) sister wives is sort of documentary style, despite what tv this week wants to say otherwise. It's so horrible. I'm amazed that people can actually live a world with this sort of mindset. I am amused by the fact that the kids seem to be okay with it, but have no desire to go that direction themselves.

Just in time for crappy weather I finally got around to my latest household project. I've discovered that 90% of what I need to do around the house is a 5 minute job. It's either incredibly easy or difficult, and I need to call in professionals. Or convince my dad to do it. But the cats attack the weather stripping at the back door in futile hopes of getting let outside. It mostly means that they have torn a giant hole in the weather stripping. Letting in cold air and bugs. Not cool. So I finally got fed up and decided to spend some time at my Home Depot. I think part of why I sort of enjoy the repairs is that I get to wander the Depot and feel productive. But without buying super expensive tools... Anyways it took me longer to find the stupid box of weather stripping at the store than it did for me to measure the new piece, figure out how the old one came out, how to put the new one in and to actually put the new one in. I suppose weather stripping isn't quite as important as I think. Or maybe most people don't have destructive, determined cats. I was amused to discover that it isn't actually attached. It just fits into the gap. Easy fix.

Work has been nutty lately. The nature of the business means that there are different types of weirdos that flock to the store. The lastest creeper has been the night janitor. He gives everyone the creeps and constantly tries to talk to us, especially on the early shift when we are tired and our guards are down. It's gotten progressively weirder this week. Abby, who I work with, pulled me aside to tell me something. Apparently creepy janitor guy is trying to set me up with a friend of his. The guy has been in and apparently liked my "booty". Right. Because my work uniform is so attractive that you could even see my booty. I'm grossed out by the fact that weirdos at work are secretly bringing their friends around to check me out. I'm not friends with this man in any shape or form. I don't even know what his name is. Abby did end his hopes by telling him I don't date black guys. He seemed to think that because I am friendly with Abby, who is black, I'm all about the black guys. Still really creeped out. I suppose I should feel special since he has just been hitting on all the other women at work rather than trying to fix them up with his friends.

I've made some positive progress on the basement. I'm running out of things to get rid of, which makes me happy. But some of the things that I have been finding down there are just really sad. I had a collection of shoe boxes. In the back of my mind I appeared to have the thought that they would come in handy. But 35? Still haven't figured that one out. I finally disassembled the broken shelf. It never went together properly but I kept it hanging around to hold my remnant crap. We got rid of 3 giant bags of clothing and several boxes of junk that I was storing in the basement. I also have a shameful amount of material so I really think that I should be getting started on a quilt project to justify the quilting supplies.

Tomorrow is my big turkey day, with all of my family having fled the province it's me and the cats. I decided that I really really wanted some turkey, including leftovers. So I am making my dinner myself. This should be interesting. Tracy seems to think that I will burn the house down and I'm sure in the back of my mom's mind she fears for me. I get that I'm not the greatest of cooks, I can bake, but am merely an okay cook. But I have some good recipes to follow and it's not really rocket science. It's also nice to get a chance to try this because my mom really doesn't have any hope for us. Despite my attempts, my parents have actually eaten only one meal that I've cooked. And that was in high school when we had to test a recipe out on people for foods class. And that might have been in grade 10 and since they knew the teacher they figured they should play along because she might actually check up on them. If they come over for supper my mom brings EVERYTHING she thinks she could need, including tinfoil, with her and uses our appliances. Really, I'm not that bad. But I know that she would not be a happy camper with someone taking over a big meal for her. So this way I'm not and we're all happy. And I don't have to spend 4 days trapped in Hanley with my parents just to get fed.

addictive tv, cat craziness, ms fix-it, my family is crazy, life thoughts, adventures in baking, house insanity

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