Wedding Saga over?

Aug 20, 2010 18:44

So my coworkers wedding is tomorrow. I'm still scheduled to work. Yeah!! It has been an interesting few days. The bride tried to convince me to call in sick. Because no one would figure out why I was calling in sick, right? Then Abby tried to tell me that it is what she would do, not that she was telling me what to do. People have asked if I could just come in early to work to go. Because getting up at 1 am is my idea of spending a fun day. Do weddings have nap time?

It's been hard trying to find the right balance of pretending to care a little bit with not trying to get the day off. I'm amazed that nobody has noticed enough to say anything. Because I have had some very insistent conversations with my manager before about days that I need off for weddings before. And I've managed to get them. Yet I've said nothing about this one...

But aside from my assistant manager forcing me to go home early tomorrow there is no way that I have to go. I'm still fully confused as to why she wanted me there. I'm not really that friendly of a person at work. I can't hide my irritation with these people that well anymore. But with her honeymoon, going to school, and mat leave, I won't have to see her for another year and a half, aside from a few weeks this fall! Yeah for that!

Went out to see my parents fancy new holiday trailer yesterday. My Dad is really getting on board this whole retirement thing. One of his guys was out there when I was over and said that he was a little bit amazed of how relaxed he's gotten since he decided to retire. I'm still not sure when he's planning on this. But he seems to think that he should buy his toys before he stops working. Which is a good idea. My parents are also really impressed with the name I gave their new toys. My mom kept asking me what the names are, so I picked John for the truck and Wayne for the trailer. That's right. Put the names together... I like it. It seems to be sticking!

But I am off to get sleep. With my coworker getting married I am covering the oven shifts and have 6 in a row! This should be an interesting week.

bakery fun, my family is crazy

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