The Drama that travels in circles.

Jan 29, 2010 19:42

Bureaucracy always puts some sort of difficulty in getting anything done. Especially when you have two systems that collide. Long story short, my apprenticeship is complete, at least according to the lady on the phone. I merely have to wait for the official paperwork. I really hope that comes soon so that I can be done with all this. It seems that putting in overtime and taking practically no vacations doesn't really help in this situation. When you apply for the apprenticeship they give you a little printout with expected completion dates for the three years of work. I learnt, the hard way, that you can only complete your hours within those dates. If you do it too fast you still have to work the calendar dates and many of the hours that you work just don't count. That would have been nice to know. But after getting the book back, telling me that I am short required more effort. I then had to talk with my bakery manager. Who made me talk to the store manager. Who talked to the HR lady. Who has apparently talked to the Apprenticeship board to clear things up. Who then sent me a vaguely official letter telling me that the book has been updated and I should loudly tell the world that I have completed the program. I then had to call to confirm that the letter meant that I didn't have to get the book signed again and sent back again. Confusing, yes. But it is done. And I will feel better once I get my official paperwork. I did also apply for a new job today. It could have potential. I might just be part time but it gets me closer to an escape. And that would be awesome.

life thoughts

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