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May 05, 2008 08:13

These past few days have just been amazing. :) Mmmm.. I needed to be able to go out for myself.. I haven't done that in a while! Thursday.. my birthday was awesome.. the only downfall is my bag of goodies I got from the "slumber party" came up MIA and I spent about $50 on different products! Fucking lame.. I asked everyone and no one has it.. but I'm not going to assume people are lying.. I will just purchase my goods AGAIN this week. I really wanted them dammit!

Friday... went to the get back.. that was fun. I miss good dancers and funky funnnk soouuulllalicious beats! :) Tony and Oliver were there too and ANGELO met up! I had a jolly 'ol time! I saw Eric as well! Miss that guy! Cathy & Lily came w/ me.. so I had my pussy posse goin... it was good! :) Oliver popped my birthday patron cherry.. *suprising enough, I didn't do many shots this weekend!*

Saaaturday! LoL... well first off.. Friday night Cathy passed out at my house... which was so awesome cause we got up Saturday morning and watched the notebook(THANKS AMBER) and I cried like a fucking biaatch! :) Then Cathy went home for like a few hours and next thing I know we are on our way to the gay pride festival! I didn't wanna go but I am glad I went because it revived my desire to be gay! We also ended up going to Candy bar and I am SO GLAD because I met this girl.. that I kind of now through other friends... but we talked for the first time and Mmmmm she's super cute and a total cuddler and she plays with my hair and she ended up staying the night and we didn't do anything dirty... just cuddled and slept together on my couch.. oh yea.. I had like 5 people sprawled out all over my house this night.. it was fun! Slumber party what what! So yea.. we didn't even get home from the fruit loop till like 4am anyways.. then we tried to play scrabble but I was too faded to comprehend the game.. so I ended with my last word being BED.. LoL.. but then we watched like two movies.. and it was awesome cause Holly is uber hot! :) She lives near me too! Woot Woot!

So yea.. Sunday... get up cause I hear Lily being all incongnegro and bouncin out the house before everyone else.. then Bree got picked up.. then Cathy, Holly & I kick it for a while.. Sheena ends up coming over... we goof off all day.. take Holly back to her car @ Candy Bar.. run around.. then back to my house. I was supposed to go to Beauty bar last night.. but I managed to go to sleep at like 930.. it was DEF. a lazy fricken day for me!

So yea.. recap.. AMY LOVES GIRLS AGAIN.. Angie had me thinkin I didn't like women so much anymore... but after Saturday.. I am soooo back in the game. FUCK BOYS! *Well Except ONE Of Course!*
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