Mar 02, 2005 19:39
Well i'm going to try and wirte in here alot more then what i have been lately. Funniest story in the whole world!!!
i called Zack and this is what went down
Me: is zack home
Zack:yes me:hey this is brittany im not sure you remeber me or not i was just calling to let you know i was making a huge poster of Dc North and i know you and Gabby talk alot and was wondering if there was anything you wanted to say? (at this point in time i was shacking uncontrolably and felt the need to vomit)
Zack:(about 3 minutes later) yea put amazing on it
Me: ok thanks well thats all (at this moment in time i couldnt breath and felt like i was going to die)
Zack:um ok
Me:bye (hangs up the fone b4 he could say bye)
I was so scard. So then i call Gabby and i was still shaking uncontrolably and i dont even know how i could dial her # i was liek freaking out so much it was the funniest thing in the world. Well Gabby asks whats wrong cuz i could barely breath and i sounded weird and I was like I called Zack and almost died and we laughed for liek 10 minutes. ~~But~~ the whole reason i called him was to see if he wanted to hang out with me and gabby and a few other people at the mall and see a movie well i never go to ask him cuz i chickend out!!!! HAHAHAH! So I am now known as the scardy cat nice huh? Well if anyone wants to hang out saturday im me or leave a coment.