Jun 02, 2005 21:29
I Am so GLad today is FInally OVer! it was so stressful... i went to bed arounddd 2 last nite n got up at 6 ==tired ... then read the last 200 pages of my book from on the bus to the end of 3rd mod lol n did my 7 alg 2 review wkshts in 1st mod n then my bio packet in 3rd mod omg so much hwww lol.......
then came home n played poool lol i AM SOoOo good At it.. lolol not but it was fun n then went to my dads house n worked on my car lol it looks less ugly ...n got wal mart spinners lol yessss
soooOo tired= cant wait to go to sleeeep lol
sadie hawkins dance tomorro should b fun?
Tomorros Friday!!!!!
6 MORE DAYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait til summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!