Because I promised. In three or less prompt posts. I am, also, too lazy to change the whole start it's still in the
twilight100 style. :]
Before; Total: 16
Title: Memories
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jacob (Others Mentioned)
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: Um...I’m just hoping this is okay for the prompt.
Memories -
I couldn’t remember you very well after you stopped coming during the summers. Fishing with dad and Charlie was boring without someone relatively close to my age to chat with.
I never asked why you stopped coming back; it seemed like an incessant and irritating thing to bring up around your dad.
I stopped going with them after a few summers because Charlie would come back with fantastic stories about Phoenix, and I didn’t feel like hearing them.
Quil and Embry would come over and talk about school; life seemed on going but slow, without close.
Then you came back.
Title: Apologies
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam and Leah
Warnings: Spoilers for Eclipse.
Author's Notes: None.
Apologies -
"I’m sorry," I could hear my voice ring, although there was nothing for it to ring off of. Leah just stared at me, though I could see the tears starting to gather in her eyes.
"You can’" her voice was broken but I could nothing but nod.
I felt horrible but I couldn’t think of anything else to say. So I said it again.
She slapped me, although it did her more damage than it did me. Her face was stained with salt water now and I watched as she ran down the beach.
Leah and I were done. Forever.
Title: Nice
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jacob, Quil and Embry.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: None.
Nice -
"I could be a girl’s Romeo, let me tell you," Quil’s voice echoed loudly and Billy knocked on the wall. Embry just stared at him before turning to me.
"No, I don’t think so. Jacob here is Romeo material. They wouldn’t even allow you in to see a Shakespeare play done by bad actors." I laughed, although I knew I didn’t want to be a girl’s Romeo. Too much work, besides they died at the end. I’d much rather be a girl’s Jacob.
"I bet he ends up Paris. Killed by Romeo," I sighed.
Paris huh? He seemed rather nice.
Title: Give It All Up
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jasper
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: They’re just lovely, aren’t they?
Give It All Up -
Before you there was only darkness. Pain came next and then lots of blood followed soon after. It was inhuman, although that was fine because we were anything but human.
But then I found you and light was thrown into the mix, it wasn’t a lovely mix. The darkness and light started to have a falling out with each other. Love and pain never seemed to mix well. And the blood, well that was just redundant.
I give it all up to please you. It doesn’t seem like a good price for your love, I was growing tired of it.
Title: Mail
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Carlisle and Edward.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: A moment between father and son.
Mail -
"Edward?" Carlisle’s voice sounded irritated. I wonder what I could have done, though nothing came to mind.
"Yes father?" He would always be my father no matter how we played up the family. Carlisle came into my view as I spoke the words. He held a small box in his nimble surgeon hands.
"You seem to have ordered something." I knew the moment I saw the box it was the CDs I’d ordered so I nodded and took the box from him. I opened the cardboard flaps that had already been opened.
"Carlisle, opening someone’s mail is against the law."
Title: Family Affairs
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Leah, Emily and Sam.
Warnings: Eclipse Spoilers.
Author's Notes: None.
Family Affairs -
Sam opened the door to the little house that Leah occupied with her brother, mother and father. She walked over from the couch and kissed him on the cheek and he let out the sigh he’d been involuntarily holding.
"Hey, I was hoping you’d get here later. Emily’s not quite done with dinner..." Leah’s voice carried through the house and he touched her shoulder.
"Thought I'd come over, you know I’ve been waiting to meet the cousin you always talk about," She smiled at him.
Emily came out carrying a tray of food and that was it, his brain stopped.
Title: The Sun.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rosalie
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: I like writing her.
The Sun -
Saying the rain didn’t like me seems more poetic then just saying that I didn’t like the rain. I missed the sunlight from when I was human. The heat on my face was better than anything could be now. My body stone cold and although my face is still beautiful I feel as though I’m just a constant in a changing world, which I am.
The vanity in me, although I also called it the humanity, never gave up waiting for the sun. I want to feel it just once more, in a human body. It’s more poetic that way.
Title: Liquid Fire
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Edward.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: Edward changing.
Liquid Fire -
I felt him bite into my neck and that pain alone racked my body until I felt the thick liquid flow freely into my body. I wasn’t sure what the liquid was but it was like liquid fire.
It burnt through my body and throughout the next three or so days, although he later told me how long the time really was for my perception was a bit preoccupied, I fazed in and out of conscious.
I remember asking for water to put of the flame and I also remember thinking the pain the flu caused was nothing to this.
Title: Field
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Edward and Emmett
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: None.
Field -
The world turned again. Life kept going and Carlisle still made us keep up the charade of school kids. I didn’t want to keep going to school. How many times had I gone through high school in the past almost one hundred years? Anything they could teach me there I already know.
It’s sunny this day and Emmett and I run out into the woods. We couldn’t go to school so we ran; the wind flipping though my messy hair and hitting my stone face.
We fell into an open field and I looked around.
"We should play baseball here,"
Title: Sunlight
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jacob, Leah and wolf-form Sam.
Warnings: Eclipse Spoilers, just to be safe.
Author's Notes: I like to write Jacob, I also figured out writing Sam and Leah is a lot of fun too.
Sunlight -
Sunlight flittered through my eyelids, the trees making dark incoherent shapes. I heard the fallen leaves crunch under someone’s weight and I opened my eyes and flipped my body over, lying on my stomach now, and looked at the approaching figure.
The waves fell over the rocks and Leah sat down next to me, her cheeks stained with tears. I dared not to ask what was wrong. It would over step a boundary I had not earned to step over. I looked to the trees, an animal stepped out; I shook my head.
There’s no way it was a wolf.
Title: Mirror
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Edward, Esme and Carlisle
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: Mirrors show your true self. Edward returns home after his killing spree.
Mirror -
The mirror shattered; equaling seven more years of bad luck. Although it didn’t really matter, the time would fly by. I scowled at the sound the mirror shattering had made, high pitched and screechy. I looked down at my fist as though I’d find something wrong with the flesh there. I was indestructible, quite bullet proof.
"Carlisle I’m sorry," My voice carried and Esme walking into the room and burst into tears. She ran to me and hugged me. Carlisle’s mind gave away his perfect facial expression.
"We’ll keep you on a stricter diet," I laughed. I was home again.
Title: Shopping.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Edward and Alice.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: None.
Shopping -
"What do you think of this?" Alice held out a dress for me to look at. I didn’t understand why she couldn’t just shop by herself. Just because I was the only one without a love didn’t mean I was up for every single thing that popped into her head. I loved her, but please.
"Why couldn’t you just have brought Rosalie?" She shrugged and put the little black dress back on the rack and grabbed another.
"You’re so much more fun to shop with. She only shops for herself,"
"Fine," I sighed. "I liked the last one," She smiled.
Title: Heat and Change
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam
Warnings: Spoilers for Eclipse, well most likely.
Author's Notes: None.
Heat and Change -
My body heated up, I wouldn’t have noticed it had Leah not said something. It burn and I could feel something changing inside of me, although I could not place it. My muscles screamed in protest but I couldn’t stop it. I fell to the grass; I’d gone to the woods because of its serenity however it had caused me more pain than I’d wanted.
Leah and I had fought about nothing in particular, she’d said I’d looked odd and placed her hand to my forehead. I shrugged her off and I’d said something mean and ran down the beach.
Title: Voices (Heat and Change Part Two)
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam
Warnings: Spoilers for Eclipse, well most likely.
Author's Notes: None.
Voices (Heat and Change Part Two) -
I withered in pain and I felt my heart beat faster than normal and, although I tried with much dedication, I couldn’t make it slow down. I felt the heat cascade down my body although it was freezing outside, it was like I was protected by a warm barrier.
I tried to stand as I heard feet fall over dead shrubbery but I didn’t have enough strength left. I heard them talking and recognized the voices immediately, the elders.
"It’s started then?" Billy asked. No answer followed and I shuddered as they walked closer to me.
"Yes, he’s a werewolf,"
Title: Clarity (Heat and Change Part Three)
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam
Warnings: Spoilers for Eclipse, respectively.
Author's Notes: None.
Clarity (Heat and Change Part Three) -
My throat constricted as I listened to the elders talk about me. The pain I’d felt before subsided and I felt as though I was stronger than ever, I rotated my arm. I sat up in the grass, although I was sure they didn’t notice me, and I could smell everything around me. I could smell the bonfire from a few days ago where the elders had held their meeting.
"Like the ancestors?" I heard Billy’s voice with more clarity than ever before.
"Yes, and we can assume it has started again because of the Cullens being here,"
The Cullens?
Title: The Labeler
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Before
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Edward and Alice
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: I only write this because I just got one too.
The Labeler -
I watched as Alice played with her hand labeler. I watched her press out all our names and run around the house placing them on each of our doors. Some had more than one name, well, most of them did. She paused slightly at my door as she pressed out 'Edward Masen' with her dainty hands. She pulled it out of the machine and gently pushed it onto my door.
"When you fall in love we’ll have to put their name on here too," She smiled at me. I felt that she knew something, she was thinking of languages loudly.