STOP! Give me at least 3 links of other surveys you voted for here. If there are less than three or none, ignore this request. I've voted on all of them so-far. :3 I mean, Life's the Berries!
Name/Nickname: Julie / Jewels
Would you mind being stamped as the opposite sex? Girl please! There's lots to choose from. :3
Age: 26
Yourself in 3 words: young at heart
Strengths: Young-at-heart, sweet, enthusiastic, down-to-earth, intuitive, what-you-see-is-what-you-get, creative, honest, encouraging, funny, spunky, Hufflepuff, good friend, maternal.
Weaknesses: Messy, obsessive, self-conscious, empathetic to the point where I have anxiety about too many things, bit of a recluse (I just discovered this today - if I don't have to be somewhere, I can easily spend the entire day inside on my computer!), a tad lazy, lonliness. I long to fall in love again, and have a family eventually. (Boys with accents, 80s toys, fantasy movies, Harry Potter, cheesecake!)
Loves: 80s toys (Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, etc), making pretty pictures & graphics, kitties, children, babies, toys in general, shiny packaging, good graphic design, musicals (Wicked, Phantom & Les Mis the most!), presents.
Pet Peeves: cigarette smoke, loud chewing, smelly people on the bus, people with no sense of humour.
Are you a COOK, BAKER, DECORATOR or CONNOISSEUR? Decorator!!! I love making things pretty. But I also LOVE to eat yummy things.
What do you think about Berry Talking? It's berry cute! But it can also get berry annoying after a while.
Who is your Berry Favorite Strawberry Shortcake character/doll? And Why? The doll would have to be Lime Chiffon - I've always loved her dress, and that she's a ballerina. Other than her Apricot, because she just smelly so yummy, and she's little and cute and has a bunny for a pet. :3 And one of my internet names is lala_apricot - lala for Lala orange from Rainbow Brite, and Apricot for the cutie from SSC.
You are planning an imaginary party and everything is YOUR WAY no matter how extravagant, far fetched or simple! It's all about you and what you love the berry best! IT'S YOUR PARTY SO HAVE FUN, BECAUSE IF YOU AREN'T SATISFIED, THIS PARTY ISN'T YOURS!!!
Who's invited? ALL of my friends - internet ones included, Walt Disney, The Warners, the cast of Ducktales, Rainbow Brite and old relatives I've never met before.
When is it being held? Disney World.
Why are you celebrating? Just being together. Possibly the creation of the chocolate-chip-cookie. (Maybe the inventor should be invited too.)
Where is the party and how is it decorated? Is there a theme? Probably around Cinderella's Castle at the magic kingdom... we'd have it all to ourseives! Lots of fairy dust and sweet things to eat. Basically the theme is just to let the little kid inside of you loose to be crazy and have fun.
What are the main events? Tell us about the food, music, games, activities(if any)! As I said, lots of cakes and nanimo bars and brownies and chocolate chip cookies... magic wands for everyone to zap up whatever kind of food they would like! I can see a food fight happening. Then, after clean-up and digesting, we would go on Splash Mountain,
What should the guests bring, if anything? Just themselves, a smile, and a sense of humour.
How will the guests react from the bash? They would have a blast! Although some of my realitives may leave with funny looks on their cake-covered faces.
You may include bake time/temperature, ingredients, instructions, pictures, whatever you want! There is no right or wrong answer. Yummy!!!
Please promote this community and tell us where: At my personal journal and at
color_kids my Rainbow Brite rating community. :3