If you have an MP3/ipodItunes, put it on shuffle, write down the first 15 songs, and....
1. Dead Star, Muse.
2. Nadie como tú, La Oreja de Van Gogh.
3. The Beautiful People, Marilyn Manson.
4. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist, Muse.
5. Blood, My Chemical Romance.
6. My love, Justin Timberlake.
7. Uprising, Muse.
8. Harder to breathe, Maroon 5.
9. Single Ladies, Beyoncé.
10. Feuer Frei, Rammstein.
11. Rojo relativo, Tiziano Ferro.
12. Broken Toy, Keane.
13. Lovegame, Lady GaGa.
14. Tire Swing, Kimya Dawson.
15. Shiver, Maroon 5.
- Why do you like the 1st song?
Porque Muse es simplemente (LLLLLLL) y amo todas las songs con ritmos/ruidos/técnicas vocales extraños.
- Who does the 2nd song remind you of?
Ya, nadie.
- Name your favorite lyric from the 3rd song:
I don't want you and I don't need you
don't bother to resist, I'll beat you
It's not your fault that you're always wrong
the weak ones are there to justify the strong
the beautiful people, the beautiful people
it's all relative to the size of your steeple
you can't see the forest for the trees
you can't smell your own shit on your knees
- Do you have any special memories attached to the 4th song?
Sí XD Cuando Joan me gustaba, cambié la letra un poco y la adapté a él. He scares the hell out of me, and the end is all i can see, he scares the hell out of me and his smile is all i can see. Qué idiota xD
- Does/would your grandmother like the 6th song?
Mis abuelas están en la tumba u_u
- What did you think when you first heard the 7th song?
En todas esas ocasiones en que dices "juntos somos invencibles".
- What color does the 8th song remind you of?
- What is the 9th song about?
=_= ¿Tengo que explicarla?
- Does the 10th song get stuck in your head easily?
Sehh xD Bang, bang!
- Could you play the 11th song for a toddler and not feel guilty?
Hace algo más de un mes, sí. Ya no. xD
- Is the singer of the 12th song hot?
- What part of your life does the 13th song describe best?
Ninguno. Excepto lo de "i wanna kiss you, but if i do then i might miss you babe".
- Does the 14th song have a cool video?
¿Lo tiene? XD
- How old is the 15th song?
Creo que el CD es del 2003 o 2004.
Don't worry, there's just a few more...^ ^
- Which of these is your favorite?
Uprising, de Muse.
- Your least favorite?
Nadie como tú, de LOdVG. Está bien, pero al final te acabas cansando.
- Have any of these made you cry? Which ones? (Be honest. It's ok, trust me.)
Creo que no, pero si hubiese sido alguna sería precisamente la de La Oreja.
- Which is the most personal for you?
Mmm. Tire Swing porque me recuerda cierta mini-época mía y Rojo relativo, por la letra *smile*.