Jun 10, 2006 09:33

I am so stupid. lol. I forgot to change everything to generator. Now all I have to do is... change all those ugly colors to pink, blue, and purple. I have decided those will be my colors for: strawberryicing. You know, pretty and girly!! lol, sometimes me, sometimes not.

Okay. so I was watching this show on the Travel Channel. everyone knows I love documentaries. Okay, but this one was sorta freaky. It doesn't sound that way, but OMG it is. First it was about weird places and stuff. I can't describe why it was freaky because if I say it, it doesn't seem that way. Its like describing The Omen. I mean, it doesn't seem freaky if no one saw the trailer, but after seeing the trailer, you get why it is scary. Same with the documentary. Then the next show was about where the Holy grail is. Tiffany, you should know what that is. For all others, it is a goblet like thing that A) held Jesus Christ's blood after he was crucified B) was this goblet thing from the last supper or C) not a real object but like, an idea. Like, courage, lust, hope, etc. Oh right. We also have to get Annie, Jenna, Lauren, Susan, Laura etc. etc. etc. To start using livejournal. It will be so much more covenient esp. since I can't use xanga anymore. Annie was all "OMG. You started using livejournal? Ewww!" I was really not all that happy. Hello, its a web blog thingy toO!!! Gosh!
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