Aug 06, 2008 20:53
My weight is fluctuating so much and it is pissing me offfffffffffff.
On another note, I ha\/e de\/eloped a fondness for broccoli, egg whites, chicken & cheese slice, stuck in a dish and bunged in the o\/en. It tastes rather yummy.
I'm watching a couple buy their first home; they're young, in lo\/e & seem to be heading in a pretty good direction with their life. I ha\/e no idea where I will be in 10 years time, or 5 years time. I thought I was so sure of what I wanted but I realised that I could ne\/er be satisfied by what life throws at me. I'm too greedy for my own good, it's terrible.
I would lo\/e to be financially stable, comfortable.. rolling in money - hello, banker? Because that sounds like a 'fun' job. This is my main aim at the moment although I do wonder how long it will last. I can't seem to be able to stick to things for long - interests, hobbies, goals, relationships.
I would also lo\/e to ha\/e something where money would be an issue - life just full of hedonistic fulfilment. Tra\/elling the world... ne\/er settling down and only working when I run out of money, not knowing what life will bring next. It's such a contradiction to my first stable choice of li\/ing.
This is such a terrible crossroad to be stuck at, and to be honest, I ha\/e no idea what path I will follow, or want to follow.