My yard sign will be placed soon. NO on 48. This is the "defining personhood" amendment to the constitution that could potentially lead to birth control of all kinds being illegal in Colorado. Meet the naive child-who-will-become-a-wonderful-Stepford-wife-with-20-children who is behind it: And I mainly wanted to post that article because of the brilliance of one of the comments to it:
"Pretty funny KB, considering your personal path to remaining pure and practicing birth control in (and just after) high school involved perfectly viable sperm being rendered useless by your stomach acids."
Think about it... it'll come to you....
Anyway... yeah. Please vote... and then, obviously, vote NO on this one because, well, I'm assuming you, my gentle reader, actually have a brain.
Also, for those of you more progressively-minded in Colorado, here's a link to a ballot "cheat sheet" PDF from Progress Now: Apparently, a lot of the amendments use confusing language this year, so these cheat sheets could be really helpful.