House defeats $700B financial markets bailout A really good thing. It's pretty much illegal to pay off a credit card debt with another credit card from what I understand and yet, that's exactly what this bailout would be. And I've read from some experts that, despite the scare tactics the Bush admin is trying to use, it's not even close to likely that we're headed into another Great Depression if we don't do the government bailout. In fact, it's apparently more likely (although not very) that we would head into the Great Depression Part II if we DO go with the bailout.
I don't know about you, but if they're going to use $2,300 of my tax dollars to bail these greedy corporate bastards out, I want a stake in the company. I want to fire every asshole who approved toxic loans and bad credit and assign myself a role on the board. Otherwise, leave me and my money alone.