RE: Friends

Jun 01, 2005 12:16

Things to Keep in Mind

*Prior to being strawberryberet I was gidgetlike and, even before that, I was blacktights (that journal has since been deleted and purged). I maintain a private journal as lingerielament, I run an extremely inactive writing group for zinesters at carbonbirds and I post updates for my distro at sewtrue.

1. I do my best to keep up with my friends list, but I don't usually comment on posts unless I actually have something to contribute. If you feel as though I'm neglected your journal because I don't comment frequently, feel free to remove me from your friends list.

2. Right now I'm transitioning from high school to college. I don't write in this journal very frequently, I'm too busy stressing out over buying books, packing my things and figuring out how I'm going to run a business out of my dorm room.

3. I try to keep my friends list at a manageable size. I do not want a friends page that is clogged with journals I never read and a friends list that's overflowing with people that I don't know. Because of this, I'm not going to friend everyone who friends me. If you'd like to be friends, try getting to know me first. My contact information is available on my userinfo. It's more likely that I'll add you if I have an idea of who you are or if we have something in common.

4. Last, and most importantly, please keep my privacy in mind. This journal is friends only for a reason. If you're not sure what I mean by this, please take the time to glance through this page.

Sorry about all of the rules and regulations. I don't mean to come off as pretentious or high and mighty. I take my journal relatively seriously, it's important to me. Because of this, I want to make sure that the people who are reading my journal understand and respect the value that I place on it. Thanks for taking the time to read this and if you're still interested in being friends, please comment on this post.


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