cleaning house *** FINAL POST ***

Feb 16, 2010 09:27

So, I'm changing LiveJournals.

To be honest, judging by the rate at which I used to change DeadJournal accounts and e-mail addresses, I'm amazed that this LJ lasted to ~840 posts. Hopefully, the new one will last even longer. The username is one I use everywhere now, so hopefully that means I'll be able to settle there and stay put. I'll miss my LJ layout dearly, though-- I don't know how to use overrides to save my life. Used to, in high school, but that's all gone.

I seem to do these maintenance sweeps every few years, though. The last time, I deleted a horde of people from my f-list that I hadn't heard from in forever, whether it's because they stopped updating and dropped off the face of the planet, or because they never touched my LJ and my username was just to get their f-list numbers up. On the new account, I get notifications for every new post my f-list does (unless I accidentally missed someone under the Track option... ._.) so hopefully I'll keep up with friends better.

Anyway, I've already friended those of you on my f-list that I've either just had forever, or I'm in regular communication with now. If you haven't already been friended, I assume you won't see this post, but if you do read this and you still want to be friended there, let me know. I'm not deactivating this account, so I'll still get comments and messages e-mailed to me. ^_^ If you don't care one way or another, though, no hard feelings, and see ya around the internet.

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