Argentine Children Murder BabyO_O
So, I get monthly blood tests. On my last regularly scheduled test, my ALT levels were a little too high, so the next week, I had another blood test done to see if it had been a fluke. Still too high. So I stopped taking my medication and went to take another blood test the NEXT week. I heard back from the hospital this morning, but I couldn't answer my phone so I don't know what the word is-- they just left a message asking me to call them.
I got accepted into Kansai Gaidai... so I'm going to Japan! I know I'm happy about this-- I'm sure Chase, at least, is excited-- but I haven't really been feeling anything but tired. I'm pleased to go, and I have a distant worry for getting all the paperwork done, but I don't know. I definitely want to go, it's definitely a good thing, I just don't feel an energetic enthusiasm. I'm sure things'll be different once it gets closer to the date, though-- once I have my visa all in order and whatnot.
I will be leaving on August 28th to go from here to LA, then LA to Taiwan (WTF?), then Taiwan to Osaka. Date of arrival is August 30th, Saturday.
I will return on December 23rd from Osaka to Taiwan, Taiwan to LA (FOR THIRTEEN HOURS ToT Anyone live near LA who wants to hang out? Have dinner? Probably not, considering what the hours are. I'll arrive in LA 6:30 PM on December 23rd, and I leave at 7:32 AM on December 24th), LA back here. Date of return is December 24th, Christmas Eve.
I'll be keeping a blog while I'm away-- a separate blog specifically for the trip. I guess a link to that will be my sort of AFK message for here.
More on this as I figure it out.
For the past few weeks, I've been having this nightmare. It happens a couple of times a week. It's not the exact same nightmare every time, but a few things are consistent: it always takes place in the same dim apartment, there's always cats, there's always someone trying to get in with malintent, and there's a room in the apartment that's locked that nobody is supposed to get into.
The changing variables:
- Sometimes I'm a human who lives in the apartment.
- Sometimes I'm one of the cats in the apartment.
As a human:
- Sometimes I see the other cats. Sometimes I never see them but I know they're there, behind that locked door.
- I'm constantly afraid. I know people are trying to get in and I need to keep them from getting into that room but I'm afraid they will hurt me. I also dont't know what's in the room so I'm afraid of that.
As a cat:
- I never see the other cats, and I'm never in the room, but I know they're there.
- I still don't know what's in the room.
- I'm not afraid, but I am unhappy with the knowledge that people are trying to get in.
The people with bad intentions:
- They are always trying to get into the room.
- Sometimes they're after the cats.
- Sometimes they're after whatever else is in the room that the cats are drawn to.
And there's never any resolution. I keep waking up as they're coming in.