Fests I'm Not Participating In

Apr 11, 2013 12:43

Sorry, couldn't resist that subject line, considering how many entries I read here on LJ that are concerning upcoming fests -- Which I like to see! Don't get me wrong! Anyway...

So, I'm not participating in the dramione_remix, although I am happy to finally see my suggested couple included -- Jack and Kate from THE FAMILY MAN. Love that movie, and every time I watch it, my mind automatically alters some scenes to correspond to the notion of Hermione and Draco in those situations. Honestly, I think the movie really lends itself to Dramione quite nicely.

I'm also not participating in the Granger Enchanted exchange, mostly because I feel a little burned out lately (had some difficulty working on my otterferretdw piece; I'm currently working on my own remix of a fairy tale, not included with the official Remix), but also because of the fest rules' wording.

Here are the pesky boring old rules.
  • Only published HP authors are invited to apply in the fic exchange. I know this might seem unfair, but unfortunately due to several participants in the last two years either dropping out, never answering our emails or presenting a fic that read like a two year old had constructed it, we are much more wary this year. In saying that though if you can produce evidence of published works in the HP fandom that we can read and evaluate we are more than happy to allow you entry.
I have no problem with rules -- I'm a librarian, for goodness' sake! Rules provide structure, guidance. Rules are essential. And I can understand wanting vetted, experienced authors in a fest, however the manner in which this preference/requirement was given isn't too cool. Perhaps I expect too much -- expect others to behave and present themselves as professionals, or at the very least, adults, and they may not be either. Perhaps it is just me, but this approach is a bit offensive.

Just because someone can produce evidence of published works in the fandom, doesn't mean s/he is a good writer, capable of producing a story worth reading. Just because the mods of one particular fest can read and evaluate said stories doesn't automatically declare them worthy of fest participation. Whatever happened to difference of opinion? What about different writing styles and storytelling abilities? Just because I like the storytelling of one author doesn't mean every other person who reads it ought to, too.

Besides, this idea of exclusion prohibits growth. Think about how many 'new authors' pop up all of the time in our chosen fandoms -- what if s/he wasn't given a chance, was blocked out by rules such as this? There ought to be a modicum of inclusivity and respect. If the mods of a fest (read: Granger Enchanted Exchange) wanted to ensure that only experienced and/or well-known authors submitted works, then perhaps they should have followed the method used by the DHR Advent, and sent out invitations for participation, based on fan voting.

It's just a thought. And I welcome response, whether you agree or disagree, because how else can we have a conversation in which we all learn how to improve -- ourselves, our way of thinking, and the fandoms we enjoy?

fanfic, irksome, grangerenchanted, writing

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