Dec 06, 2007 12:13
Hullo happy people! It’s that time of the year again to wallow in wishful thinking, commercialism and a healthy serving of hedonism and self-indulgence.
Ostensibly to fulfil the above (and also because I’m suffering from severe work avoidance-Argh, stupid Schemes of Work!) but also to make bestfriends’ lives easier, I’ve created my own happy Christmas wish list. Other than the first 2 items there’s nothing that I really want but then again creating a wish list is not so much what you’re going to get for Christmas but finding an excuse to post an LJ entry wistful wishful thinking.
So! Meme before my actual wish list: come up with your Christmas wish list, fantasy or otherwise. Make sure it’s nice and detailed! Because who knows, someone *might* just buy it for you.
• Anthologies-poetry anthologies, short story anthologies, etc.
• Singaporean fiction-if it comes in the form above, even better.
• Books-I’m experimenting with philosophy and critical theory (John Barth!) but good quality (children’s/young adult’s) fantasy is always good. Think Diana Wynn Jones, Neil Gaimen, Cassandra Claire. Mythology and faery tales are still a big favourite.
• Tights! (not leggings)-but they have to 1) fit me 2) be quite opaque, 40 denier and above 3) preferably be red or deep purple; I already have a whole spectrum of blue and pink tights.
• Simple, short, retro shift dresses-think, 'can be worn with opaque tights'.
• NO random non-utilitarian presents-Does that sound awful? It’s just that I’ve become awfully environmentally conscious of late and I’m thoroughly horrified by the amount of waste we generate and junk we accumulate. If it’s not something that I can actually use, trinket boxes, fancy stationery (I only use G-tec pens unfortunately), stuffed toys, random jewellery (unless you’ve run it past bestfriends and they’ve reassured you that Yin will definitely wear it) and bath products/perfumes/cosmetics (very specific tastes I have and I won’t wear or use anything other than my specific brand), it's a no go.
• Heck! I would be perfectly happy with a $10 book voucher. Topshop and Robinsons vouchers are completely acceptable too. As is cash :P