Gomen, this is an very sad and serious announcement. But the news about Konomi-san being hospitalized are true. Regarding the upcoming Shounen Jump issue #6-7, he was injured seriously in an accident a few days ago. Because of that, the manuscript for Genius 298 was still unfinished and so will the next chapter only contain 11 pages. These were all informations given by Shueisha beforehand. Nothing is said about his condition, the precise time or causing of the accident. Please, wait for an official confirmation until the next Shounen Jump is going on sale. For now, I can only say what is written, but not published yet.
I´m feeling sad somehow, because I wished him a merry christmas quite naturally just a few days ago and was sure that everything will go fine, like always. It´s not good to believe in routine, it can´t be! Everything can shatter so very easily. The feeling which occured as I heard of Kotaroh´s accident is creeping right back to me now and that´s the worst. I hate it, but still I can´t help being afraid.
I truly wish him that he will recover soon and that his injuries aren´t that bad, how it´s sounding. *cross fingers*
Konomi-san, ganbatte onegaishimasu!
A little side-note: I updated my latest post again a little. ^.~
~ Oyasumi Tomodachi-tachi!