Impossible choices (it's ok, it's just a meme)

May 26, 2011 00:14

The shag, marry, cliff meme.

1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 fictional people
2) Post this meme to your LJ with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and (push off a) cliff.

phoenix089 actually gave me two sets of choices: A) Nelliel, Rukia or Harribel and B) Ulquiorra, Nnoitra and Ichigo. Both are actually quite difficult to make choices for, but I'll choose between the guys.

1. Shag - Nnoitra.

Because I don't think I'd live very long if I had to be committed to him. D: And you know what, I actually do find Nnoitra good looking, even with the creepiness. Besides, even shagging him presents problems, with his inability to think outside of Nelliel. (What is it with Bleach men and being sexually orientated towards towards one woman?)

2. Marry - Ulquiorra

Before my Ulquihime friends go "BUT HE CAN ONLY COMMIT TO HIS WOMAN!" - yeah, yeah, I'm well aware of that. But as I said above, I probably wouldn't live very long if I had to be married to Nnoitra and I'd rather not die a violent death.

3. Cliff - Ichigo

I don't hate Ichigo, but here's the deal: the boy reminds me of a very close relative of mine who is like a little brother to me. Shagging or marrying him would be too weird, so he must go. And I can't push Ulquiorra or Nnoitra off a cliff; they're arrancar and I'm very biased towards arrancar. ♥

Other updates: I still have some outstanding colouring requests. I'm so sorry for being such an ass and taking my sweet fucking time, but I promise I haven't forgotten. Honestly, I didn't think I'd become so busy with class work, but now it must take priority. However, holidays are coming up soon and hopefully this time no one will be hospitalised, therefore I will be able to get something done. :)

boredom, meme

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