16 now.

Oct 10, 2005 00:38

well heres a re-cap of my first couple days of being 16, and the way things have been going, i think itll be a great year...

wednesday ((my birthday))* the morning was regular, cept mom brought my balloons. what am i gonna do wih balloons in my room at 5 in the morning? it made me laugh. then school was didnt rele feel like my birthday, but eh. after school was chamber, the girls sang to me. i think we have a rele good chamber this year we sound rele good. then was play practice. i love play practice, which must be so lame that i look forward to it, but whatev. i love it. then after that me and kim went to maceys and matt came over and seen me for a little while, i love matt hes like my best friend. then me and kim and macey all went to twin trees for my birthday dinner. i was hillarious. any dinner with kim is hillarious. we saw tim hart, he was funny. they sang to my and we got pie. we didnt eat it tho, and tim made me feel bad so i made him throw it out so the waitress would think we ate it. then i came home and had cake with my family, excpet i didnt eat any. oh, and daddy got me an ipod. ((btw my party was saturday but thats too long ago to update on, it was AMAZING tho))

thursday* was regular. kinda lame actually. but then we had a bomb threat in school and they let us out at 1:30, so that was fun. everyone was so confused haha. they canceled play practice so i just came home, it felt weird cause im never home anymore. then later at like 11:00 cyndy came and picked me up cause i didnt wanna be here anymore. we went and got a ton of food and went to her house. we stayed up until like 2 just talking and eating and watching stupid shows on hbo. then i fell asleep for like an hour.

friday* kim picked me up from cyndys in the morning and we went to maceys and got ready for school. it was spirit day so we had to look crazy ((im rubbin off on the girls, the wore tutus!!!)). we looked insane, i loved it. i havent dressed like that in so long, it was fun, dunno if ill do it anytime soon again tho. ((uhoh, adinas growin up)) after school me and kim went to make up a gym class, but it turns out on fridays play practice starts at 2 instead of 3. so we did that instead. then we went to maceys for a while. then we went to homecoming in the pouring rain! we hung out with zac hes a crazy kid. i gave some people mardigras beads it was fun. we got soaked. then after that we went to dennys with cal and micheal francis. matt brought me a hoodie so i wouldnt die of coldness, hes my hero. we talked to dan the whole time, i love dan hes soo funny, hes one of the reasons i love dennys so much. then i went to my moms.

saturday* woke up got ready blahblahblah, eventually i went to maceys, kim was already there, and we got ready to go see HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS in oswego. we stopped at dunkin donuts on the way there and saw jay bailey. we sang oldies all there to the college it was so funny. we made up stupid dances and everything, haha even maceys dad got into it! lmao! so maceys parents dropped us off at the college and we met up with joe and glenn. the concert was freakin amazing! we met soo many people!!! haha i made out with a few ((shhhh!)) me and macey crowd surfed, i did it twice, it was crazy fun. ((again, shhhhh! dosent know i wnet and mom would kill me if she knew that part!)) we met this crazy kid who kept lifting me and kim up to get free stuff, we didnt tho. and i met this crazy kid who like LOVED the moshpit, he was insane. most of the time we hung out with joe and glenn, and dan from dennys, they saved us from being pulled into the moshpits, but by the end of the night i decided i kinda wanted to go into one..but i didnt..i totally would have tho. so we dances and jumped and had an amazing time...but then... well lets just say we wound up outside with dan, and werent allowed back in, haha. ((thats another rele big shhhhh)) but then me and kim went and got this kid to go buy us shirts, while he was getting them we started talking to this cop and he was like "um well you guys can go back in i guess if u want" and were like "okay!" then this other cop was like "what r u doing?!!! u cant come back blahblahblah!!!" and the other cop was like "blahblah, i said so blahblah!!!!" so we were allowed. but then the kid who got our shirts said that they were gonna go to their bus outside if we wanted to get them signed, so we decided we wanted to do that. so we go outside and met this kid travis. hes insane! like you would have thought he was on speed, but he pretty sure...i think? nah he wasnt. he was just crazy. and we wanted to go wait with us, so we ran around outside and waited for a while. but then maceys parents were there and we had to go. s we didnt get them signed. after we went to mcdonalds and talked to a buncha people, cause everyone went there after the concert. and we were about to leave when, who walks in the dorr but..TRAVIS! and guess what, he got his shirt signed. i was mad, i shoulda left my shirt with him, but whatever. it was crazy fun anyways. then his friend dustin took my number on a napkin with ketcuhp..he had the hugest fro i have ever seen! haha theyre all crazy. then we went back to maceys and hung out with dave petit and nate and this asshole kid brian for a little while. anyways it was prolly like the best day ever..ever.

today* was pretty much lame. we woke up and watched napolean dynomite and ate cup-a-soup. then we looked at old pictures of dave petit and macey. then i went to my moms for a little while and did..nothing? then i came home and got in a fight with my dad. now im here and like madd tired. i havent been home in like 4 days. and i havent actually slept more then 3 hours in like 6 days so i think im gonna go do that. love you guys.

yeah right, like anyone actually read all that.
love muchly.
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