Jul 15, 2006 08:13
So my body just woke up at 8 in the morning, im still kind of drunk and tired as hell, espicially since I was awake for 24 hours with no nap and I went to bed at 2. I had a real rough 2 weeks. And I thought that getting drunk would help and for a bit it did, but now my lack of sleep and hangoverish feelings are kinda taking over.
But I will NEVER travel with any grandparent ever again. NEVER.
I saw a lot of really amazing things in London and Paris. But my grandmother was crazy and almost meanhearted, not to me, but to people that I care about. I'll probably be thankful that I went with her in 10 years or so, but for right now I really regret it. It sucks being around someone so, American, or set in their ways that they don't even attempt or try to understand other cultures.I don't think that being American is negative, but I do think that a lot of our behaviorisms and mindsets are just really selfish and that we live so comfortably, and that we expect so much out of everyone. It's seeing Americans like that which makes me almost ashamed. It's so sad when I see behaviors that it's ok for america but not for europe and I know better. And I tried to explain why the service was 'bad'. And I really did not like being relied on so heavily, espically when she could figure it out. Like getting around. It was like if transportation did not go to the front of the hotel like in a cab, then it was complaining about her leg. I got as close to the hotel as I could in a cab. If you could do better, than let me know because I could have used a break. That's probably why I drank a bottle of wine by myself each night. Oh, and things that she said about my mom, step-mom, and step-sister really made it that much easier to be around her.
A word of advice to anyone traveling anywhere in Europe: TRY to learn enough of the language to at least get around. It will help out a lot, and people will not be rude. And don't tell people your problems with arrangements if they don't work- not their problem, so they won't care and won't do anything about it.
I probably sound like a bitch. And drunk and jetlagged are probably not a good reason. I am thankful for the trip, europe is amazing and I love going to all of the touristey sites and seeing all the history and art. But damnnit, give me someone that will appreciate to see everything and wrap yourself in the culture, or at least TRY to get it. It makes the trip a lot easier on everyone.