sorry it took me so long for me to get around to writing i have had so much to do! lets see on wed. i went snowboarding with cameron and it was so stressful! no joke- i saw this one kid i had hoped i woudl never see again in my whole life (Scott Carey), and i got ditched by my friends so taht they coudl go smoke- well more like i ditched them!! go me haha and then i got called a slut by some kid i didnt even know! what the heck is that well i guess in whole the night didnt turn out taht bad beacuse i had Cam with me!! but lets see what else i went to cam's brother's little wedding thing which was ok i met some nice people but i most ly knew all the people there- then lets see i went to a dance with cam yet again somthing funny had to happen to us! Cameron doesnt like to listen so he thought it was formal- well it wasnt! and we had spent the whole day shopping for a skirt, you can only see how pissed i was about that one. well whatever we kept going anyways- then whatelse well me and cam and my mom went to applebee's yestrday and saw people we used to work with, meaning Matt and Geene, and um whatelse i guess im just being boring i will have more to saw tomarrow! im going snowboarding again! CHECK YA LATER BITCHES