Today was surprisingly good hurrr 8D
1. Woke up at 8:58am, so my sleep pattern is fixed (even though I just went back to sleep. who the fuck wakes up at 9 in the hols!?)
moonblader's tieria wig got here. (molested it ahurhur)
3. Passed my Ls test first gooooooooo
Oh yeah, I'm so attractive. About time AMIRITE LOL. Yay I can drink if I want to at TSUBAKICON rofl (I BET I WONT THO CUS IM A SQUARE LOL) And the pic isn't that horrible LOL
4. Sister is slowly recovering :D She was laughing today (and cracked a huge smile @ how alissa failed her Ps test LOL we're so mean)
5. Didnt get charged for a kebab today ROFL. /random but yeay?
6. I think I'm building resistance to physical work LOL I dont feel as tired after doing cleaning at the day careeeeeeee!
7. Gunna try to start and finish Ribons tonight!