
Feb 09, 2014 21:03

I ran 9 miles today!! Slowly but I don't care. I didn't fall on the ice; I kept going even when I was cold and tired, and I felt amazing at the end. I haven't run that far since training for the half marathon in NYC in...2009? Yes, 2009, and I am a lot heavier and slower now. I have lost 6 or 7 lbs from running so far, though, which is amazing considering that I lost zero lbs in all of my boot camp classes and treadmill/elliptical time for the past 1.5 years. Also I got my period! I actually attribute that to acupuncture but it was pretty awesome. Well, awesome in that awful crampy, "wait, why did I want this again?" way.
I was hideously sick with a bad sinus infection for 2 weeks, but I can now both breathe and no longer feel as if my teeth and eyeballs are being pushed out of my face by my swollen sinuses.
Anyway, so I am feeling pretty good about my body. Wanted to share. : )

via ljapp

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