Aug 06, 2005 00:59
Relief!!! The baby wasn't crying because I suck at domestic caregiving... the baby was crying because he had an ulcer and it hurt him to eat. I still got it! Children still love me!
After babysitting I went to work. Don't know what I did there... it was a theme night I imagine... and I think I worked in the bar. I don't remember. And I don't remember what I did afterwards either... oh wait... nevermind. I do. Allison got back from Germany so we went over there to pass the time and catch up and reminisce about European lifestyle... and how much harder it is to readjust to America than to adjust to Europe.
The next morning I did nothing all day. I totally planned on working out or doing something constructive.... instead I ended up at work. And loading the beer and wine in the storage room and then organizing. All I know is that I was on some sort of attitude all day and everyone at work knew it. Made a lot of money though! And several of the members pulled me aside to say how much they were going to miss me at work... seeing as how there are only so many servers who they can truly count on...
And after work Sarah and I screamed at eachother for the entire ride to Jason's. She went first... and I didn't interrupt. Then I had my chance to refute her bogus fairytale of a story... and it would have flowed much better had she curtailed her interruptions... but eventually I had said my piece and we looked at eachother and said, "Are we done now?" And laughed and went inside to party.
And party we did. Playing diocide and JuJuButt something-or-other... and just being idiots. It was a lot of fun though... a fun night had by all I imagine.
But this morning was not so fun. We woke up at like the butt-crack of dawn or something... well, not really... I guess around 10... but I didn't get out of bed until around 11ish... and then we left Jason's around 11'30 and came home and did nothing... went out to eat with mom at Olive Garden. Yummy!!!!!!!!!!
Then went to work. Which blew. I was the only girl working tonight. Seriously. No girl servers. No girl managers. No girl kitchen people. Me. And I worked my ass off.
Marty gave me the server test... I'm gonna try to take it and see how I do... and hopefully Marty won't show Scott my score. I'm a little nervous... I looked at it and I don't even know the first 2 questions... who owns NorthStone Country Club and who is the President of the club... no clue.
Well, tax-free in the morning... gonna need my strength!