I did not die...

May 20, 2008 20:50

I did not die. I'm just pretty busy at this time of year. Well, mostly just hanging around and being lazy. But, mostly because it's almost summer and I'm pretty excited to leave school. But, yeah. I'll miss my friend, Tina, who will be moving in the summer. :( Well, a 75% chance she will. But yeah. The reason why she's moving is sorta weird...
Me:Are you gonna be here next year?
Tina:I'm not sure, I might move.
Tina:Because my mom says there are to many bugs in the house. All the ants and spiders.
Weird. Huh? Why not get thoose insect sprays or whatever. But, there has to be some other reason.

So, how is everyone?
Havent,been on lately so yeah. Tell, me what's going on in your life. So yeah, be back tomorrow while I have internet. 
Oh yeah, I haven't told you guys yet. My mom, she's cutting down our internet over the summer. So no livejournal. :( So yeah, I'm going on everyday. (: But, if I go to Kaitlyn's house, I'll talk to you guys & read entries!

See you tommorow! Buh-bye! :)

kaitlyn, moving, insects, summer, tina

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