Thanks You! ily.

Mar 05, 2008 17:43

Thank you guys for the banners and the cookies. (haha Sam) I would show off the awesome banner Kaitlyn (
innersmile_x) and Rory (
rory_tutorgirl) made me but I'm doing this entry at my dad's work so sadly I can't post them up.

Well, since I didn't make the basketball team I wasn't apart of todays game against Hellyer. Our school lost  two points on todays game, I heard. Assholes. haha. jk. Well, I'm pretty surprised my friend Jackie (my awesome friend that I know she's the best b-ball player I met) was to scared to shoot the ball. Woah. I didn't suspect that from her. She always told me, while were playing "Don't be afraid to shoot, nobody's going to block you." Damn. I guess she couldn't follow her own words. Well, that game was pretty tough because those guys were so big and looked li ke a couple of freaks. So I guess it wasn't so bad. Flashback: Last year, I'll school lost to them by ten points. So, I  guess they did a whole lot better. xD

Oh yeah. Sorry guys I haven't been on lately. (Like you guys care) My sub is a butthead. He has these two "teacher's pet" Or as I like to call them Stalker & Slut. Well, Stalker only use to stalk me when h e liked me. But, I still like calling him Stalker because now he's stalking my Big Sis. (No Kait. Not Angel) My Big Sis Jennifer. Okay well anyways, Slut is a slut. A "nerd" but a slutty one. One that dresses up like a slut for Halloween. Well, Slut is pretty smart and likes to rub it in peoples faces. Well, guess what Slut, I got an A on the writing assignment bitch! haha. Sorry. Just had a rub in face moment. Okay so back to the sub. So the sub loves Slut & Stalker. And barely anyone else. He just goes, "Awww...Slut. Why don't you just give it a rest and you don't have to do this math assignment, Okay?" and to Stalker. "Oh Stalker I'll give you more time to hand in that assignment. How bout 1 more week." And guess what we have to hand in that assignment tomorrow. Biotch.

cookies, sub, writing, jackie, game, ramblewood, basketball, kaitlyn, banners, slut, helleyer, teachers pet, halloween, rory, stalker

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