Okay,so it was pretty hard for me to find a party picture for the new year so I just used this one. I tried to do the coloring but I can't do shit like you do. btw, I love your work. ♥ ♥
So my New Year was okay at first. Like my evil niece let me play with her DS to keep me ocuppied. But when we started playing around in my friends room...everything got all crazy!! We were like messing up the room because it was so dark we couldn't see anything!! (There was no light in the room) I tripped on some stupid checkers game. Ouch! It was steel too. Then my friend is really weird about her stuff. She made all of us clean her damn room. I was mad because she is always like that. But when we were finally done the parents threw money on the floor so I was like shit! A dollor! I tackled my sister but she didn't seem hurt so I just grabbed some more money off the floor. And my total for money is.....
$15! Off the floor! HELL YES! ;)